View Full Version : New to forum

12-15-2012, 10:00 PM
I'm new to the website and hoping this can be a place I can come to find relief from anxiety and depression. I'm 11 weeks pregnant so I had to go off of my medication. It's been a brutal roller coaster I'm fighting myself, trying to play happy
Mom to my two young kids and keeping what I can from husband. He's supportive but also has no clue how to help me handle my issues because he wasn't created from that mold. My family has a history of anxiety so it's not new to me. Struggling everyday and wondering how I can handle bringing more children into this world with this overwhelming anxiety.

12-15-2012, 11:35 PM
Hi, welcome, I know in Australia there are some anti-depressants that are safe for use during pregnancy. Aside from medication what else helps with your anxiety?

12-16-2012, 12:20 AM
Right now, not much I used to enjoy activities like
Running, walking and yoga now I don't do anything. Partly was I had to stop when I got pregnant for first trimester spotting, so hope I can get motivated enough to start walking soon. I have talked to my doctor about taking something once I hit the second trimester but then I feel like I'd have overwhelming anxiety about it harming the baby. It's so hard to imagine six more months of always feeling this doom and gloom.

12-16-2012, 12:36 AM
If it were me I'd do some research and see if there is anything that is safe and what are the chances of harm to bub etc. Being fully informed of all risks/benefits may make the decision easier for you to make. If you have to go without meds just remember although anxiety is very unpleasant it won't kill you. Maybe read Hope and Help for your Nerves by Dr Claire Weekes, she is very calming, altho I did skip some sections of the book where she described ppl worse than me, cos that is a trigger for me. I went straight to the soothing, this is what you can do about it stuff.
Good luck

12-16-2012, 04:31 AM
This is great, thank you so much for the book recommendation I am going to pick they up to read. I too think that while anxiety is debilitating, I won't die from it! In the big picture six more months till I can go back on my medication is not that long. In time!! Thanks for your posts, how do you manage your anxiety and is it general or specific?