View Full Version : Hello Anxiety

12-15-2012, 04:40 PM
Here i am again back 2 square 1. Been taking escitalopram for the last year for health anxiety. Started off on 5mg went to 10mg and so on, started 2 feel better so my doctor recommended reducing the dose so i did and gradually went back down 2 5mg was nearly off them and BOOM!!! Started getting pains in chest, jaw, arms ect and then in comes the panic that i am having a heart attack or that what i am experiencing is an impending heart atrack. So back up 2 10mg daily now. And the fight goes on :-( i was doing so well. Now im constantly worrying about having a heart attack that ive had to have a week sick from work and i refuse to be on my own :-( this sucks but im hopeful i will get back 2 where i was.
Would really appreciate any advice and if you would share your symptoms with me.

Hi every1 and hope 2 hear from you soon

12-15-2012, 11:58 PM
Hi Lilo, I've recently begun taking lexapro. This is my 3rd episode. Depression in early 20's, anxiety/agorphobia approx 10 years ago and recent episode is GAD. I have decided that if I need to stay on meds to be ok and function for the rest of my life that is OK with me. No-one told me I should, I just decided I have suffered enough from anxiety and I feel no shame about meds anymore because I deserve to be well and not live my life crippled and riddled by anxiety, it is a very real disability, although other people cannot see it so it is hard for them to understand. If you had a broken leg no one would judge you for seeking treatment and they would be understanding. This is no different, but it is something internal. Maybe one day you will come off the meds, but for now just take them and enjoy being well, you deserve it :)

12-16-2012, 07:03 PM

I know exactly how you are feeling as I am going through the same thing right now. I was found so well and boom! Panic attack. Took time off work, I don't want to be alone either in case I die. It id a frustrating horrible feeling. I have decided not to up my meds but do some therapy sessions. I start in a month. I hope I can hold out that long. Are u doing any therapy?

12-17-2012, 03:54 AM
Hey JFletch
Thankyou for replying to my post. Ive been referred to by my g.p for councelling, and advised to up my dose, which i am gutted ive had 2 do because i swear its since taking them ive put on 2stone :-(
Im so scared of being alone, i also hate it incase something terrible happens and im on my own. Its the worst feeling.
So how long have you suffered with Anxiety??

12-17-2012, 04:16 AM

Was there anything which prompted the fears to start over again? It's hard to think rationally when you're in pain. But chest pain is one of the msot common symptoms with anxiety. Fight or flight causes our heart to pump adrenaline filled blood to the chest wall to protect vital organs and to arms and legs for fight or flight. Enough fear of being in danger or health anxiety and you'll get aches and pains. It's very common, but regardless of knowing how mabny people suffer from it, and rationalizing it. Sometimes it's very hard to keep level ehaded when a pain occurs.

But if distraction helps, or if the pain comes and goes etc then this also prooves it's just anxiety. I've gone through over a year and a half of daily pains and i'm still alive. The longer the pains continue, the mroe times you wake up in the morning and haven't died from whatever illness you've conjured up in your mind. it should help build a case file as it were, proof that it is just anxiety.

If you've had an ECG or any other heart related tests it should help put your mind to rest somewhat. But often it might not.

Accepting it's anxiety is the first step and also the hardest. When I first went to the hospital for chest pains and they found nothing I felt unnerved. Afraid they had missed something. but the longer time went by, I started to realize that i'm not a doctor. i didn't study medicine. And a warped, anxiety filled mindset and paranoid over-analysis of every ache and pain is not a level headed approach to trying to diagnose yourself.

Maybe look into starting CBT if possible.

Hope you feel better soon.


12-18-2012, 11:52 PM
Heylo!!! :D

Well, you fought anxiety and defeated it once, now it thinks it can slither it's way back into your life again? Show it who's the muzzafookin boss. Knock that worthless piece of zugzug on it's arse. If you're worried about the heart attack thing, do them tests. ECG's. If that says you're fine, then you're fine and everything else is just anxiety being a douchenozzle.

Triumph again :] Best of luck.
