View Full Version : Anxiety into depression

12-15-2012, 03:42 PM
I feel so pathetic...I'm still dealing with coping more effectively with my anxiety but lately the depression is compounding! It's terrible. Plus it makes me exhausted. Thank god my friends and I are always making plans or else I'd be fine staying in all day. Just so hard to get over this hurdle....it's crazy how the mind can make you so weak or so strong.

12-16-2012, 12:05 AM
Anxiety and depression often go hand in hand. Keep busy and try not to put yourself down, it sounds like you are doing your best, i think it's great you are getting out and doing things even tho you feel like poo, that's a big achievement! Good on you for being strong :)

12-16-2012, 08:13 AM
@funkstarsista thank you so much for your support! It means so much to me!

12-16-2012, 09:48 AM
You're doing the right thing by staying busy. I can always tell a difference when I've just stayed in the house all day alone. Makes me feel so much worse.

12-16-2012, 09:54 AM
@mw0929....thank you....in trying but wow-it's so so hard! I can literally sleep all day if I want-its just so easy to hideaway! I know it's best to get out and occupy my mind...just wish I wasn't bombarded by the depression.

12-16-2012, 04:38 PM
I definitely went through a phase of just wanting to sleep all day. Still do actually. You are doing the right thing by keeping busy. Make lots of plans. Sometimes you won't want to follow through with the plans you've made but if you do you will feel so much better that you did. Hope that makes sense. Hang in there.

12-16-2012, 05:08 PM
Don't end up like me! I feel scared to go out now because I haven't in the last week! I have a 7 month old son too. Sitting round definatly doesn't help trust me... That's wat I've been doing and I now feel terrible!

12-17-2012, 01:44 PM
I definitely went through a phase of just wanting to sleep all day. Still do actually. You are doing the right thing by keeping busy. Make lots of plans. Sometimes you won't want to follow through with the plans you've made but if you do you will feel so much better that you did. Hope that makes sense. Hang in there.

Thank you-I'm trying....just takes so much to motivate me and I know it's the depression which zaps all my energy. So sad.

12-17-2012, 01:45 PM
Don't end up like me! I feel scared to go out now because I haven't in the last week! I have a 7 month old son too. Sitting round definatly doesn't help trust me... That's wat I've been doing and I now feel terrible!

I know how you feel! Try to get out for a walk or treat yourself to a manicure-something to make you feel good!

12-17-2012, 01:55 PM
I feel so pathetic...I'm still dealing with coping more effectively with my anxiety but lately the depression is compounding! It's terrible. Plus it makes me exhausted. Thank god my friends and I are always making plans or else I'd be fine staying in all day. Just so hard to get over this hurdle....it's crazy how the mind can make you so weak or so strong.

Can I ask... is there an obvious reason for your anxiety and depression?

I mean, what's happened to you? what was the catalyst? anything in particular or a bunch of things?

12-17-2012, 02:57 PM
Good for you rcohn :) I wish I was able to do the same. I am still on baby steps when it comes to going out, it is so hard just to get motivated to do anything sometimes! I am trying little things for now even if it is just to go get myself a coffee and come back.
All the best

12-18-2012, 04:10 PM
Lucky You at least You Have Friends. My only Two Best friends Traveled Forever and I Barely Leave My home Now. Friends are a Blessing

12-18-2012, 05:33 PM
I know I need to, just can't bring myself too!

12-18-2012, 07:03 PM
I know I need to, just can't bring myself too!

Trust me it's a struggle for me to do the most basic things! Don't pressure yourself just try to do little things that don't take much effort...easier said than done I know but it will help us heal.

12-18-2012, 07:05 PM
Good for you rcohn :) I wish I was able to do the same. I am still on baby steps when it comes to going out, it is so hard just to get motivated to do anything sometimes! I am trying little things for now even if it is just to go get myself a coffee and come back.
All the best

That's good though! Eventually you will do more! Right now I leave to go to therapy and maybe run some errands. I just would rather sleep all day but I know I need to push myself.

12-18-2012, 07:06 PM
Lucky You at least You Have Friends. My only Two Best friends Traveled Forever and I Barely Leave My home Now. Friends are a Blessing

Thank you. I'd recommend signing up for a class you would like to take-this way you can meet people with similar interests!

12-18-2012, 07:11 PM
Thankyou rcohn!

I do have medication to hand but my anxiety just seems to keep fighting them off! I know I need to be 100% honest with myself and accept the fact that they may be the only way to go. I have acute anxiety and it seems to be getting more powerfull everyday. I am exhausted through shallow breathing and insomnia. Seeing as I'm so bad side affects should be a walk in the park if I'm honest but there is one that sticks out most and that im rather afraid of

* Heightened Anxiety *


12-18-2012, 07:46 PM
Thankyou rcohn!

I do have medication to hand but my anxiety just seems to keep fighting them off! I know I need to be 100% honest with myself and accept the fact that they may be the only way to go. I have acute anxiety and it seems to be getting more powerfull everyday. I am exhausted through shallow breathing and insomnia. Seeing as I'm so bad side affects should be a walk in the park if I'm honest but there is one that sticks out most and that im rather afraid of

* Heightened Anxiety *


I understand how you are nervous about side affects because I am too! Maybe starting on a low dose and gradually increasing will help -that's what's I've done in the past and it's worked. Medication is definitely helpful-give it a try-you deserve to feel good!

12-18-2012, 07:56 PM
I have got the lowest dose of citalopram-10mg!
I have been informed from many not to be scared or anxious about taking it because it WILL help.
My anxiety is unfortunatly feeding off my insecurities though which is rather frustrating!
I know in the long run that these things will put me back together as such but I just can't seem to shake that feeling of dread, I guess you could say its a fear of the unknown, I can't predict how I'm going to react to these.
To be perfectly honest, if I could pluck up the courage and determination to push myself through the worst I would at the drop of a hat. But that's where anxiety plays its part.

Hello weak person! Lol

12-18-2012, 08:10 PM
I have got the lowest dose of citalopram-10mg!
I have been informed from many not to be scared or anxious about taking it because it WILL help.
My anxiety is unfortunatly feeding off my insecurities though which is rather frustrating!
I know in the long run that these things will put me back together as such but I just can't seem to shake that feeling of dread, I guess you could say its a fear of the unknown, I can't predict how I'm going to react to these.
To be perfectly honest, if I could pluck up the courage and determination to push myself through the worst I would at the drop of a hat. But that's where anxiety plays its part.

Hello weak person! Lol

How about this-try it once...if u don't like it you don't have to do it again. But don't fear anything I know you have the strength to push past this!

12-18-2012, 08:23 PM
I tried it once 3 months ago, that was when my anixety was mild, I stopped after just 1 tablet
Felt like I was in another dimension, my anxiety soared to no end, that was pure hell !
On a positive note, Christmas is fast approaching and I'm still suffering SO...
This could in fact be my only option. I have tried to find the tools to fix and self medicate myself but no such hope as of yet!
Got my health visitor coming tommorow, I know that she isn't going to be overly happy that I still seem to be on the same path as last week! Non anxious people don't truly understand the severity of anxious peoples thoughts and feelings though! I guess for them life is just a fun time. People like us that suffer on a daily basis have to endure this weird and frustrating illness.
On a plus note, fear is a good thing, makes us aware of ourselves and our surroundings! Anxiety is time consuming but with strength and determination it can be overcome with time and patience. :-)

12-18-2012, 08:51 PM
I tried it once 3 months ago, that was when my anixety was mild, I stopped after just 1 tablet
Felt like I was in another dimension, my anxiety soared to no end, that was pure hell !
On a positive note, Christmas is fast approaching and I'm still suffering SO...
This could in fact be my only option. I have tried to find the tools to fix and self medicate myself but no such hope as of yet!
Got my health visitor coming tommorow, I know that she isn't going to be overly happy that I still seem to be on the same path as last week! Non anxious people don't truly understand the severity of anxious peoples thoughts and feelings though! I guess for them life is just a fun time. People like us that suffer on a daily basis have to endure this weird and frustrating illness.
On a plus note, fear is a good thing, makes us aware of ourselves and our surroundings! Anxiety is time consuming but with strength and determination it can be overcome with time and patience. :-)

What is bringing on the anxiety for you? With me...I was in a super stressful job and I left recently...so now the anxiety is getting a bit better but my depression is the worst! It's a sick cycle! Feels like my life is unraveling. Do you know what triggers you?

12-18-2012, 09:05 PM
Tbh I think it's a list of things built up over a long period of time!
If I was to pick in the last 2 weeks it would have to be my fiances patents, they argue and bicker like children! I have a 7 month old son you see so am looking out for his welfare as any mother should!
Also probably a bit of substance abuse! I had way to much alcohol weekend before last! Wish I hadn't, it heightened my anxiety to no end!
I've stopped drinking now, haven't had a drink for a week, too scared!

12-18-2012, 09:13 PM
Tbh I think it's a list of things built up over a long period of time!
If I was to pick in the last 2 weeks it would have to be my fiances patents, they argue and bicker like children! I have a 7 month old son you see so am looking out for his welfare as any mother should!
Also probably a bit of substance abuse! I had way to much alcohol weekend before last! Wish I hadn't, it heightened my anxiety to no end!
I've stopped drinking now, haven't had a drink for a week, too scared!

Def avoid the alcohol-stick to things like chamomile tea or even green tea! I understand the situation you're facing and why it induces anxiety. Can u talk to ur fiancé about his parents? Maybe he can get them to stop. It's not fair to you or the baby! Try to get out of the house whenever u can-I know it's difficult but it'll help your sanity. At least you have a supportive fiancé...my family is such shit right now.