View Full Version : Insomnia due to Effexor?

12-15-2012, 03:21 AM
I know this is a topic that many people have discussed before. I am just currently going through a really bad time with it and wanted to post my feelings incase anyone else is currently going through it. You are not alone, I am right here with you at 5:15 am and I have been up since 3:45. I tried to go back to sleep but couldnt so I decided to sign on and chat with anyone else suffering like me.
I am also currently trying to cut back on my Effexor since it no longer works for my anxiety. I believe it is a symptom of withdrawl from the medication however sleeping has never really been easy for me. Also I have heard that coming off Effexor is the worst experience ever so I can not wait for the rest of the symptoms to hit me.

12-16-2012, 12:07 AM
I've googled how to come off effexor and seen how people open the capsules and remove a few granules each day so they don't go through withdrawal hell, maybe look into this?

12-16-2012, 04:43 AM
Thanks funkstarsista,
That is actually what I am currently doing :) I tried going down by the 37.5mg standard that my doctor said but found the symptoms so horrible that I was not able to function. So I researched on the net how others did it and came across a site that talked about opening the capsules and doing it by removing 10% of the granules each week. The process is extremely annoying seperating the granules is not as easy as they make it sound. They are very tiny and sometimes fly all over the place and I have to re-count several times. I have also noticed that not all the pills have the same amount in them so you have to count each one! Fun times :) Aside from that this method does have less withdral symptoms I can definately attest to that. However going down 10% at a time will probably take me a year to come off the dosage I am on. Well slow and steady wins the race right? lol

12-16-2012, 04:59 AM
My doc weaned me off Effexor before trying to get pregnant this summer. It was a three month process and I had no side effects. I think the slow wean was the best way to do it without having side effects. Best of luck to you!

12-16-2012, 05:31 AM
Thanks mindblock :)

12-16-2012, 08:52 PM
This is one of the reasons I ended up choosing to try Lexapro next rather than effexor.

12-17-2012, 08:21 AM
Thanks forwells. I was also warned about the extended release thing, so before I decided to get off this horible drug I asked to change to the generic version. It does not have this extended release feature that the brand name one does. I agree that you should never tamper with any medication. Unfortunately I have been on this drug now for over 8 years so changing to another medication at this point my doctor said was out of the question. She said that she can give me another medication that I can take while I am coming off this one, it would help with the side effects but I am done with medication all together! I dont want to take anything unless it will cure me at this point. Masking side effects is not a cure :(

12-17-2012, 03:27 PM
Thanks forwells :)
I keep telling myself that everything is temporary and eventually I will push through the side effects!