View Full Version : Cardiologist

12-14-2012, 11:12 PM
Well, I finally had my first visit with my cardiologist.

1. He is awesome. Spent 45 min with me, answering all of my questions and concerns.

2. He didn't immediately say, it's just anxiety. He actually took me seriously. He ordered a echo, 24 holter, and stress test. If its not anxiety, he suspects IST.

3. I already feel better.

4. I now know why I miscarried. It wasn't because of my anxiety, or exercise. It is because I am rh negative! 15% of people are rh neg. it doesn't ever affect a first pregnancy, but it affects a second because your body builds antibodies after the first preg. Well, come to find out, I never got my rh shot AFTER I gave birth te first time, which made my body attack the fetus. My body thought it was a foreign object and so it killed it! I'm grateful for a dr that caught it quickly, and now I should be able to try for another child in another 3-4 months! I also learned from my ob that I can take celexa during pregnancy. I've never taken it, but my anxiety is so high that I will need something. Just grateful for a few answers tonight.

12-14-2012, 11:23 PM
Wow, that is great news! Good for you for advocating for yourself! I'm glad your doc is on his A game.

12-15-2012, 03:03 AM
Sometimes all it takes is someone answering our questions to make us feel better. I know that my anxiety is triggered when I think something is medically wrong. All I want to hear is that it is just a symptom of a panic attack, nothing to worry about and that it will soon pass. Some people dont understand that some of the symptoms surrounding panic are so frightening they can really make us think we are dying.I am glad that you found a doctor that will listen to you.
I wish you all the best and am sorry for your loss. I can not even imagine how that must have been for you. Stay positive and look towards the future where I am sure you will have another bundle of joy that you can worry about instead of your own worries, LoL