View Full Version : Psychiatrist

12-14-2012, 07:10 PM
Hi all. I went to see a psychiatrist today. On top of meds he recommended dynamic therapy instead of cbt. I have not made up my mind as to which one i am going to choose. Before I decide was wondering if anyone has had this type of therapy before and if it helped ? Thanks

12-14-2012, 07:59 PM
Was it by chance Dialectical Behavior Therapy?

12-14-2012, 09:57 PM
He said dynamic but I could be wrong. I have never heard of it.

12-14-2012, 10:06 PM
Ok, well, I dont know about dynamic behavior therapy, but I was in cognitive behavior therapy off and I for about 10 years. It did some good for sorting out some problems, but I kept having to go back again and again. About 18 months ago, I started dialectical behavior therapy, and I can see the results already. Basically, DBT teaches you a bunch of skills. It's important to learn them all, but it's not necessary to use them all, so you can use whatever works best for you. There's mindfulness skills, emotional regulation skills, distress tolerance skills, and interpersonal effectiveness. You can google DBT and find out more. I can't really recommend one over the other for you, because it just depends on which one you would respond to, and only you have those answers. Check them both out, and then make an educated guess. And then just go for it. Don't second guess yourself. Put a concerted amount of energy forth in investing in your mental well-being. You are worth it!

12-14-2012, 10:25 PM
Thanks for your input Sunnie. I really appreciate it. Have a wonderful weekend.