View Full Version : For the ladies!

12-14-2012, 07:50 AM
Do any of you find that your anxiety gets worse right before or during your monthly cycle? I am suffering right now with major cramps along with a lovely side of anxiety.

12-14-2012, 07:53 AM
Every month! Another reason I dread that time of the month.

12-14-2012, 07:56 AM
Monthly cycle AND anxiety... ut oooooooooooh, a deadly combination!

<Say a prayer for all the male partners of anxious, cyclic women folk. May the lord have mercy on their souls>

(Dazza quickly vacates this highly explosive thread) ----> exit

12-14-2012, 07:59 AM
It's a no for me lol and I'm very lucky I don't get cramps often. Hot water bottle helps :)

12-14-2012, 08:08 AM
I'm on the Mirena IUD. It uses a low level of hormones and most women stop having their periods altogether. I love that I no longer have my monthly visitor. The cramps were too hard to take. I've never had children, so it hurt like a mother when they implanted it, but it's been 2 years, and the most I ever have to deal with is occasional spotting, like maybe 4-5 times a year.

12-14-2012, 08:32 AM
I'm on the pill which can make your periods shorter and lighter. Not for me :( they are at least painless!

12-14-2012, 08:35 AM
I'm on the Mirena IUD. It uses a low level of hormones and most women stop having their periods altogether. I love that I no longer have my monthly visitor. The cramps were too hard to take. I've never had children, so it hurt like a mother when they implanted it, but it's been 2 years, and the most I ever have to deal with is occasional spotting, like maybe 4-5 times a year.

Wish I could take that, but I take BP pills, and they say that IUDs or BC pills can elevate BP. I wish I could take something like that though because cramps and anxiety are a VERY ugly combination, trust me.

Dazza, I do love your sense of humor, it made me smile through the pain.Trust me, my husband has learned how to duck and take cover. He stays out of my way as soon as he knows my monthly has started. Smart man,that's one of the reasons I love him. Lol.

12-14-2012, 08:38 AM
I'm on the pill which can make your periods shorter and lighter. Not for me :( they are at least painless!

I wish mine were short. Since I've had my kids, they've been longer and heavier. The first day (today) is usually spent in my bed under my covers ( that's exactly where I am now...). I would love to have a three day period and be done with it.....mine are now typically lasting between 8-10 days. Is that even normal?

12-14-2012, 09:34 AM
Wish I could take that, but I take BP pills, and they say that IUDs or BC pills can elevate BP. I wish I could take something like that though because cramps and anxiety are a VERY ugly combination, trust me.

Dazza, I do love your sense of humor, it made me smile through the pain.Trust me, my husband has learned how to duck and take cover. He stays out of my way as soon as he knows my monthly has started. Smart man,that's one of the reasons I love him. Lol.

I have high blood pressure, too. Ironically, I developed it because I was on the pill continuously (no week off for the period, just take 1 every day). The level of hormones in the IUD is so low, I was able to do it.

12-14-2012, 09:42 AM
I wish mine were short. Since I've had my kids, they've been longer and heavier. The first day (today) is usually spent in my bed under my covers ( that's exactly where I am now...). I would love to have a three day period and be done with it.....mine are now typically lasting between 8-10 days. Is that even normal?

Mine are usually 5-6 days but if I forget to take a pill it can start early and continue until I was supposed to stop! I've had 2 week ones before! I think having kids does mess up some people's cycles. My cousin said she was constantly on her period after her first baby!

12-14-2012, 10:14 AM
Dazza, I do love your sense of humor, it made me smile through the pain.Trust me, my husband has learned how to duck and take cover. He stays out of my way as soon as he knows my monthly has started. Smart man,that's one of the reasons I love him. Lol.

Phew... glad someone likes it.

Some (most?) people on here think I'm a cock, lol

Wooohooo... it's Fridayyyy :-)

12-14-2012, 10:20 AM
Me likey tooooo :D

12-14-2012, 10:24 AM
Me likey tooooo :D

Bless... you're a sweetie x

(Will be drinking tonight - keep a beady eye out for a pointless and shit post later)

12-14-2012, 10:26 AM
Bless... you're a sweetie x

(Will be drinking tonight - keep a beady eye out for a pointless and shit post later)

Haha excellent. I look forward to it

12-14-2012, 10:29 AM
Haha excellent. I look forward to it

that's if I don't pass out first mind... but I'll try :-)

12-14-2012, 10:43 AM
Yes!! It's horrible...I cry, my mind races literally non stop, I'm very moody...it's really bad. And soon as I get it, like the day it shows up I'm fine again like nothing was ever wrong. It's crazy.

12-14-2012, 10:52 AM
Monthly cycle AND anxiety... ut oooooooooooh, a deadly combination!

<Say a prayer for all the male partners of anxious, cyclic women folk. May the lord have mercy on their souls>

(Dazza quickly vacates this highly explosive thread) ----> exit

Haha exactly. I feel for my husband! :):) So glad he is a patient & understanding man.

12-14-2012, 11:14 AM
Yes! I just had my first full blown panic attack last week for no apparent reason. It was the day before my period started. '

I am new to this forum and new to the whole world of anxiety. I used to be more of a depression girl but I haven't had issues with that for years.

Then came my first panic attack on a crowded train. At least that one made some sense. I have always had issues with crowded places with lots of people and no way of escaping.

Then the chest pains started. They continued for months and eventually dissipated.

Last week I had my panic attack with no apparent trigger. I was at home talking with my husband and kids when I started feeling really weird. I felt like I was being sucked into a tunnel and reality seemed really far away. My hands and feet got cold, tingly, and numb. My heart was racing and I felt like I couldn't breathe. My brain felt scrambled and I couldn't form words or sentences. Of course I had no idea what was going on and I was SURE I was having a heart attack. I really truly thought I was going to die. I looked at my husband and kids and thought I was never going to see them again.

Of course I didn't die and I slowly calmed down. Needless to say I am not terrified of haivng another one.

I feel stressed and overwhelmed much of the time. I have three kids, ages 3, 5, and almost 13. Parenting an almost teenager is not for the faint of heart.

Sorry, I got on a bit of a tangent. Bottom line is yes, I believe the monthly cycle is a huge contributor to anxiety due to the changes in brain chemicals and hormones.

I am hoping I can get some help somewhere. This is a pretty crappy way to live.