View Full Version : really happy but really anxious?

12-13-2012, 09:58 AM
I have such weird mood swings. But when I'm happy, I am mega confident, like weirdly confident.
I just won't stop talking and moving. But, I also have anxiety symptoms when I'm happy which is weird. I'll feel flushed and really hot, and I'll get palptations sometimes. However, these symptoms don't phase me when I'm happy. I'm not bothered by them, and i'll just carry on being really confident and loud etc.
When I'm not happy, I'll try my best to get rid of these symptoms as I feel embarrased about it.
I don't think I have bipolar or anything, because when I get home again, depression hits me. Because isn't bipolar random mood swings?
I'm only ever really happy and confident when I'm around other people.
It's annoying though, because a part of me doesn't want to be this confident, because I don't think it's a normal level of confidence. I think maybe that's why I start to feel anxious? Because I'm aware that I shouldn't be this happy? I don't know.

I was just wondering if anyone else has experienced anxiety when majorly happy? And is it anxiety causing me to be confident? Or something else?

12-13-2012, 10:00 AM
I am no doctor, but I'm wondering if you have a bit of bi-polar disorder? I would think that even when you are on a "high" with that, you could still have major anxiety about it.

12-13-2012, 10:09 AM
So you can still feel anxious when 'high' so to speak?
I don't know if my happiness is more to do with impressing people though, because when I'm happy, I really want people to know about it sort of thing.
Also, I forgot to mention, the thing that makes me sad again is reflecting on what an idiot I have been when I was happy.

12-13-2012, 08:14 PM
Oh my god, I could have written that myself! We may or may not have the same diagnosis, but I think it's important for you to see a therapist for a good diagnosis. I won't say now what my diagnosis is, because I don't want it to influence what you tell your doctor. Just so you know, there is hope, and you can feel better. I'm a bit of a dichotomy myself. I make jewelry and I love giving it away at Christmas or Valentines Day, or Secretaries Day, but I absolutely HATE the thanks and compliments that I get. What's with that? And all I can think of are my failures, some today, some from 15 years ago. I dwell on them relentlessly and tell myself what a worthless piece of crap I am. But I'm getting better! And you can, too. You are worth it!

12-14-2012, 04:19 AM
I've seen a psychiatrist, and although they said I need another appointment, they think it's depression.
But I'm so confused. I experienced it just today actually, I was really happy and chatty. Then the moment I'm on my own, I'm sad again. Is that even depression?
But thank you, it's good to know it gets better like it's doing for you :) I just wish this was all clear in my mind!

12-14-2012, 12:19 PM
Does anyone else feel like this? :)

12-14-2012, 01:02 PM
I've seen a psychiatrist, and although they said I need another appointment, they think it's depression.
But I'm so confused. I experienced it just today actually, I was really happy and chatty. Then the moment I'm on my own, I'm sad again. Is that even depression?
But thank you, it's good to know it gets better like it's doing for you :) I just wish this was all clear in my mind!

Different things make different people happy... perhaps one of your "things" is to interact with people.

Exercise makes some people happy and, if they don't are can't, they get depressed.

Being slim makes some people happy, if they put on weight they get depressed.

Maybe it's the same kinda scenario...

If you're chatting and interacting then all is good, but when on your own - perhaps your mind drifts off down a path it shouldn't.

Distraction I reckon, where chatting is distracting you from your state of depression.

Makes sense?

12-14-2012, 01:29 PM
Ahh yes that could be it. Never thought about it like that actually. Thank you