View Full Version : Someone please help

12-13-2012, 06:37 AM
I'm only 18 I started having panick attacks about 3 months ago first one is always worse because I didn't know what it was at the time doctors and counsellors said it would Haagen happened because my grandfather died around that time And he was like a dad to me so we was very close. Anyway the attack stopped and I thoughy nothing of it then I started getting several really bad where I thought I was gojng to die went to see a doctor and he said it was anxiety and didn't seem like it was. Big deal neither did I until I looked into what it was, now however I've started getting better I don't have major panick attacks just a short rush but I can calm myself down now. However everyday is still hard because I always feel like I'm dreaming ? Like I'm not awake eveything seems unreal I have mo idea why and I feel quite lightheaded most of the time and sometimes find it hard to breath but there not like a panick attack I thought I was better but then this keeps dragging me down. Does anyone else experience this the feeling of getting better but like nothing's real around you, I'm just looking for someone who has or is going through it to put my mind at rest that it is just my anxiety messing with my head

12-13-2012, 02:37 PM
Hi Mitch,

I also experience panic attacks just recently after going through numerous stressful situations in my life. I've also experienced what I like to call "brain fog" and being unable to concentrate, also feeling like I was walking around only "half there"...like you said, detached. I can definitely relate and you may be going through some additional anxiety and/or depression, as their symptoms often include poor concentration, feelings of not being totally present, etc. My doctor recently told me that many doctors are now considering anxiety and depression to be on the same spectrum of disorders, because many of their symptoms overlap. You might want to check with you doctor and raise this concern... or if you are in high school or college, talk to your guidance counselor, or see if you can see a counselor through your school. They sound scary but are incredibly helpful and can help you cope with grieving through a loss of a loved one, give you coping mechanisms to help with panic attacks. Everyone deals with stress differently...some of us just happen to have bodily reactions to the stress, that can be treated naturally and with medication, depending on your need. Best of luck -- and take care of yourself. :)