View Full Version : Car

12-13-2012, 03:28 AM
Hi all,

Off topic from anxiety. I want a new car. My last one has only lasted me 3 months at most before boredom has set in. Each time I buy another car it winds up being older than the previous one, but a whole lot faster. I think I need to get it all out of my system now and just buy a silly car with fuel economy rivalling a Boeing 747 before I "grow up" and buy a sensible economical car such as a diesel.

Alas, in my current financial state it'd mean a loan. Perfectly managable loan mind you, but I wonder how many people have bought a car with a loan or finance. Did you wind up regretting it afterwards?

The car itself will muster 20 miles per gallon (11.7 km/l) if driven sensible. It's a 3 litre petrol twin turbo after all. Needles to say the insurance will be a bit higher. In fact it's the highest band of insurance...for those people who couldn't care less about the environment :P

But I just want a sports car for once in my life. So why not I say?



12-13-2012, 03:54 AM
Have you asked Santa? :P haha

12-13-2012, 05:16 AM
Hi all,

Off topic from anxiety. I want a new car. My last one has only lasted me 3 months at most before boredom has set in. Each time I buy another car it winds up being older than the previous one, but a whole lot faster. I think I need to get it all out of my system now and just buy a silly car with fuel economy rivalling a Boeing 747 before I "grow up" and buy a sensible economical car such as a diesel.

Alas, in my current financial state it'd mean a loan. Perfectly managable loan mind you, but I wonder how many people have bought a car with a loan or finance. Did you wind up regretting it afterwards?

The car itself will muster 20 miles per gallon (11.7 km/l) if driven sensible. It's a 3 litre petrol twin turbo after all. Needles to say the insurance will be a bit higher. In fact it's the highest band of insurance...for those people who couldn't care less about the environment :P

But I just want a sports car for once in my life. So why not I say?



3000 GT? nice...

Not so keen on green, however. The RED is lush :-)

It's an old car so chances are things will go wrong with it. What's the mileage? good history? well looked after?

I've always been one for sports cars, or at least cars that would be classed as "not sensible" by most folk.

Currently got an ASTRA coupe... but looking for something even less sensible myself. Audi TT, Nissan 350z or similar.

Be very careful when chosing such a car... the excitement can quite easily over-ride logic and you can easily wind up buying a piece of crap.
Keep your head on!

12-13-2012, 05:44 AM
You won't be harming the environment. Global Warming is a myth to raise taxes and regulated more. Nothing more. Enjoy your car....whatever it is. Alankay

12-13-2012, 05:48 AM
57,000 on the clock. 22 service stamps. No modifications which is always a bonus I think. They're far more likely to have been ragged if they've been modified by some boy racer. But it is an old car, so I imagine some components might be quite tired. But i've heard good things about the reliability of the engine.

I'm with you in terms of global warming. I think it's a very conteited human opinion. Considering we can't predict a 7 day weather forecast correctly I think predicting climate change is a bit of a tall order. Still you tend to get hounded by all the environmental types when you voice your anti-global warming view so I tend to just steer clear of it.


12-13-2012, 08:16 AM
57,000 on the clock. 22 service stamps. No modifications which is always a bonus I think. They're far more likely to have been ragged if they've been modified by some boy racer. But it is an old car, so I imagine some components might be quite tired. But i've heard good things about the reliability of the engine.

I'm with you in terms of global warming. I think it's a very conteited human opinion. Considering we can't predict a 7 day weather forecast correctly I think predicting climate change is a bit of a tall order. Still you tend to get hounded by all the environmental types when you voice your anti-global warming view so I tend to just steer clear of it.


57k!? wow... the equivalent of only 5 ish years old.

Just seen it on AutoTrader. Looks good!

Personally, I wouldn't go for such an OLD car... but they are rare and rather sexy all the same :-)

12-14-2012, 03:58 PM
Just be prepared for a lot of pain in the butt repairs, as a former mechanic I would never buy a mitsubishi, I would however buy a Corvette or Camaro! Not sure what vehicles you guys have available over there as I am in the us, but here, the v8 is King!

Either way, have fun!

12-15-2012, 03:01 PM
Are you a retard???? You realize this is a forum for people suffring from anxiety correct?? Not a gearhead forum. What would possibly posses you to post this here?? I really think something is wrong with you

Alright! Calm the fuck down!

12-17-2012, 04:10 AM
Haha, that post was deleted i'm assuming. That's too funny. PS I love the display pic jhunter. Haven't seen that film in years.

Hmm I've heard mixed things about Mitsubishis. On the whole I kinda expected Japanese cars to be quite reliable. However, due to the age, and the fact it's Japanese parts are going to be rather pricey.

V8's are all well and good and sound lovely. But US cars tend to have huge engine displacements and the stock horsepower tends to be quite weak. Plus left hand drive on these roads makes over-taking somewhat suicidal without having a cunning mirror on the dash to allow you to vaguely see oncoming traffic on the right hand side of the car.

Besides, since getting my Saab 95 i've fallen in love with turbo charged petrol engines. So I think a petrol twin turbo would be the way to go until I grow up a bit and buy a sensible car.


12-17-2012, 04:27 AM
Haha! Gotta love Ventura ;)