View Full Version : What us it?

12-12-2012, 07:40 PM
So this may be a stupid question but what exactly is cbt?

12-13-2012, 08:26 PM
I thought it was Cognitive Behavioral Therapy?

12-13-2012, 11:45 PM
It's def cognitive behavioral therapy and I agree its a great tool

12-14-2012, 12:58 AM
CBT is a very effective method of finding (& correcting) the root cause of mental issues.

There is always a reason for a mental health issue but the reason is not always obvious. Sometimes it takes some digging to find it.


Say a person had a particularly bad relationship in the past. Perhaps many, many years ago.
Although not obvious to this person, this relationship most likely left mental scars, perhaps tucked away in the deepest, darkest corners of their memory.

Some time on, this person may form a new relationship - far, FAR better than the previous one.

Things can be going perfectly, but a petty argument (of say, who's gonna do the washing up) may turn into a fully blown panic because, unknown to
the person in question, the brain can link this argument to the trauma of the previous relationship, unearthing all the same feelings that have since
been dormant.

A very subtle, yet shocking response.

The person in question may wonder why on earth they have responded to this petty argument in such a dramatic way... the reasons won't be obvious in the first instance.
It's only when they delve deep into their past that they find the problem. CBT is great for this kind of diagnosis.