View Full Version : The way I feel.

05-05-2007, 01:09 AM
This is how I feel. OK so everyday things that irritates me are little things like people lookin at me, smiling, or lauging while they're lookin at me. That sh*t irritates me dawg! Today I went to go get high with a friend of mine but I dont know him as good. Also 2 girls and 3 other guys. I felt so uncomfortable. I dont even know these guys as good. These are people that I just see at school but can really have a full conversation with. Or atleast dont think I can have a full conversation. Every time I talk, I feel like Im boring and have no personality. I feel like nobody likes me. I felt like if people were talkin about me the whole time. But on the other hand, theres people like my brother, my sister, and one of my other friends that I really like being around. If you wanna see the real me, you gotta be one of these persons. I don't know. Im just so confused. I guess I just have to live like this for the rest of my life. Damn I wish I was normal. Sometimes I just feel like Im retarded or something. But theres always a solution. I think that suicide will one day be there for me but don't know when. I feel it coming some day soon but I dont wanna dissapoint my family.

05-05-2007, 06:21 AM
I get really shy around new people . Or People i havent spoke to alot . i carnt find anything to talk about . and feel left out an nervous . i think most people have experienced this . I only like being about people i no and feel safe with . :)

05-05-2007, 11:56 AM
today this girl i havent talked to in a long time said hi to me in school and then i just hey and walked away cause i felt so uncofortable and now she prolly thinks i dont wanna talk to her or somthin..but i relle did want to..but i feel like everyone thinks im weird like that...like they seeme talkin to people and being so comfortable and then next second i feel uncofortable withs ome people and then i seem like a total weirdo..ive lost so many potential good friends cause im just parnoid of what people think that im just so uncomfortable talkin to them...but i wanna talk to them so badddddddddddddddddddddddddddd i feel like a retard!!!!! but i kno i can get over this as soon as i get away from the people ive seen me be through weird stuff without explanation

05-05-2007, 11:58 AM
and suicide is not the anwser kid..thats the chumpy way out..u'll get over this..do whatever u need to..go to a doctor..seperate yourself for awhile..do whatever u kno u need to do to get over it and never stop tryin..good luck brother 8)