View Full Version : THe Great Secret to Life

12-11-2012, 11:27 PM
This is The Secret. Let everyone know.

Your life right now is the result of your thoughts. Thoughts create your reality. Thoughts create emotions and emotions create a vibration and then causes actions and then that causes results. If you want to create a good life, you must have good thoughts. Your thoughts now will determine your results of your future. We must break the habits of unconstructive thoughts and cultivate thoughts that will create a good life. Thoughts of power and kindness. Thoughts of happiness and thoughts of confidence and success. Thoughts tat you can be what you know you ought to be. You start with the thoughts and then learn to follow them with the correct actions.

Just ponder this: Can you see a habitual thinking pattern that you do and the correlation of your life right now? Do you see how your life is a product of your thoughts? Pretty crazy when you see it, isn't it?

Start saying, "I am..." whatever it is you want to be that is within the realm of reality, and think according to that and slowly work towards that goal. Stop thinking of the things you don't want and don't want to be. Only think of what you want. But make it like you are already there. So it isn't a longing but you act as if you already have obtained it. "I am a fearless and confident very successful happy guy wo loves life." Not "I ope I can get rid of anxiety". Make it in the present.

After 20+ years of schooling, I don't think I had a single teacher teach me this. Now that my friends, is insanity!

That is why Think and Grow Rich, written in 1937, e interviewed 500 of the richest men over 25 years back then trying to discover the secret to success. The author, Napoloean Hill said, "

"Whatever the mind can conceive and believe, it can achieve."

12-20-2012, 08:57 PM
Great article