View Full Version : New here

12-11-2012, 08:52 PM

I know we are all here for the same reason and of course hoping to hear others experiencing the same thing. I have had anxiety for several years however it s getting worse. I am even ok with the nicety part but do many of you constantly feel dizzy for period of time though the day? Sometimes it feels like my head is very heavy and if I move it I will become more dizzy. Of course the dizziness then leads to more of anxiety as I start to worry something is really wrong. I am hoping others can tell me if try have this and what they do to cope?

12-12-2012, 05:20 AM
I think this comes from higher muscle tension and from small flucuations in the o2 and co2 levels in the blood from not breathing normally(which is a result of the anxiety in the first place). When I feel like that I try to relax my muscles(especially head, jaw, neck and shoulders) and breath slowly and normally. It's helps me plus I know what is up with that feeling as it usually is cleared by this. Yet another symptom of anxiety which makes it all worse. Alankay

12-12-2012, 06:49 AM
Anxiety is fear coming from within. So the question is, where does your original fear come from? Can you go back in your thoughts and recall a time before you had this problem? You might have to go back to your childhood day’s, nevertheless I’m sure some memories are there.

Once you’ve found such memories, come forward in your thoughts until the very first time you experienced ‘your feelings of anxiety’ and then ask yourself what was going on in your life a little before that time. There's a level of probability that your dizzy feeling is involved with the cause of your anxiety. That is, you probably felt dizzy during the event that created your anxiety. For instance, let’s say you were attacked and received a blow to your head that caused you to feel dizzy.

Sit down quietly for a while and let your thoughts drift back and examine your past and see what you can recall. If you can uncover a fearful time just before your anxiety started it will be an excellent place to begin understanding and overcome your anxiety.

12-13-2012, 09:40 PM
Anxiety is fear coming from within. So the question is, where does your original fear come from? Can you go back in your thoughts and recall a time before you had this problem? You might have to go back to your childhood day’s, nevertheless I’m sure some memories are there.

Once you’ve found such memories, come forward in your thoughts until the very first time you experienced ‘your feelings of anxiety’ and then ask yourself what was going on in your life a little before that time. There's a level of probability that your dizzy feeling is involved with the cause of your anxiety. That is, you probably felt dizzy during the event that created your anxiety. For instance, let’s say you were attacked and received a blow to your head that caused you to feel dizzy.

Sit down quietly for a while and let your thoughts drift back and examine your past and see what you can recall. If you can uncover a fearful time just before your anxiety started it will be an excellent place to begin understanding and overcome your anxiety.

Thank you for the insight, I will try

12-13-2012, 09:42 PM
Anxiety is fear coming from within. So the question is, where does your original fear come from? Can you go back in your thoughts and recall a time before you had this problem? You might have to go back to your childhood day’s, nevertheless I’m sure some memories are there.

Once you’ve found such memories, come forward in your thoughts until the very first time you experienced ‘your feelings of anxiety’ and then ask yourself what was going on in your life a little before that time. There's a level of probability that your dizzy feeling is involved with the cause of your anxiety. That is, you probably felt dizzy during the event that created your anxiety. For instance, let’s say you were attacked and received a blow to your head that caused you to feel dizzy.

Sit down quietly for a while and let your thoughts drift back and examine your past and see what you can recall. If you can uncover a fearful time just before your anxiety started it will be an excellent place to begin understanding and overcome your anxiety.

I hope I'm doing this right as I'm still new, but I want to thank you both for your input

12-13-2012, 10:06 PM

I know we are all here for the same reason and of course hoping to hear others experiencing the same thing. I have had anxiety for several years however it s getting worse. I am even ok with the nicety part but do many of you constantly feel dizzy for period of time though the day? Sometimes it feels like my head is very heavy and if I move it I will become more dizzy. Of course the dizziness then leads to more of anxiety as I start to worry something is really wrong. I am hoping others can tell me if try have this and what they do to cope?

Hello, and welcome! Dizziness and feeling ungrounded are common symptoms of anxiety. It sounds like you are under the care of a physician, which is good. It's always important to rule out other ailments. Anxiety tends to get worse over time without some kind of positive intervention. Are you able to see a therapist? If you are, it's worth thinking about. It's an investment in your sanity. I echo some other comments about breathing exercises. There are many relaxation or breathing exercises on YouTube, or there are apps. The other thing I would suggest is to journal your thoughts and feelings. This can help you see patterns and problems that you might not otherwise realize. I'm glad you found us and I hope you find the answers that you seek.