View Full Version : Simply Alone

12-11-2012, 05:57 PM
Alot of things have happened in my life over the last couple of years being honest it feels like the bad stuff is never ending and making me feel like i don't want to be here anymore. One by one i've lost my friends and now my family has left me too..i'm trying to think positive i still have my husband and my little girl but it feels so empty now like there's a gaping hole that's never going to be fulfilled. if friends and family can leave you so suddenly without a care or thought then what's the point?...Does that mean every new person i meet will do it to me too?..if so i think i'd rather be on my own this feels like suffering the pain is unbearable and i have no outlet..

what is the point?

12-11-2012, 06:13 PM
Why have your friends and family left ?

12-11-2012, 06:23 PM
my friends left because i said something wrong to each and every one of them..in a way i understand but in another way i don't since i've looked back at all the things i've forgiven them for. since the panic attacks and anxiety came on i feel like all my self confidence has gone even in daily things such as cleaning my house..almost like i've seen myself fail before i've even tried. I recently moved from england to wales to be with my family because i needed them so badly..my little girl is autistic and i just felt like i was struggling to look ater her..2 weeks after moving in social services came by because someone had made a phonecall out of concern..they left feeling happy that there were no problems but the only person i saw since moving was my sister..it just felt like instant betrayal since i asked her if she did it we've not spoken since..i've tried of course but..that's it..the end of..and my family went with her..i feel so alone i feel like there's something seriously wrong with me if everyone left..

12-11-2012, 06:25 PM
I understand your feelings-sometimes losing friends and family makes no sense and is super hurtful-but it might be for the best...sometimes people are toxic and while we love them it's best to let them go. God will send better and more loving people into your life. I even saw a commercial today-something like choose a family.org...and it made sense-people need these relationships in their lives to feel fulfilled. You have a big heart...please try and have faith that things will get better soon. Join a cooking class or yoga to meet new people -I'm sure you're not the only one feeling this way!

12-11-2012, 06:37 PM
I know it's hard to see it this way but I would rather have no support than be surrounded by people that will give up on you. It is sometimes hard for people to stand by us because people simply don't understand what we go through. I try to explain it to my family and they do support me but I know they will never understand unless they feel anxiety /depression for themselves. Know that there are plenty of people here that will npt judge you and know what you are going through.