View Full Version : Does anyone experience skipping heart beats daily from there anxiety?

12-11-2012, 07:51 AM
My doc did all the tests and said my heart was fine. But these skipping beats are making my anxiety worse! I have them everyday. But when I do get a break from them for about an hour I feel great. Then they strike again. It's wearing me out!

bryan kellogg
12-11-2012, 08:52 AM
My doc did all the tests and said my heart was fine. But these skipping beats are making my anxiety worse! I have them everyday. But when I do get a break from them for about an hour I feel great. Then they strike again. It's wearing me out!I think it is nothing anxiety is just a mind game your mind thinks there something wrong with you and it makes you feel there something wrong you need to stop listening to those thoughts you can try meditation and help me a lot and another thing that will help you need to stop looking for any strange sensations in your body that will make things I do worse anxiety will give you heart palpitations all the other kinds of feelings that is all normal for anxiety anxiety is just a lie everything is okay the best thing you can do for yourself is not think about it all the time do something you like to do and don't dwell on it it's just the fear at makes the anxiety

12-11-2012, 10:12 AM
We all get palpitations. I get them when stressed or when I have caffeine so as long as it keeps going...all is well! :) Alankay

12-11-2012, 12:25 PM
The problem I am having is I can be busy doing something and not even thinking about them and then they hit me like a ton I bricks. Every other beats skips. Feels like its about to jump out. It does not beat fast just skips and sometimes double beats. It takes my breath away a bit each time and feels like someone is pinching my heart at the same time. That's when it get annoying because it feels terrible and slightly hurts. If I am not having these skipped beats I don't feel stressed. That is what confuses me.

12-11-2012, 05:02 PM
Anxious folk, myself included, often pay wayyy too much attention to their bodies functioning. I have the same double or skipped beats(palpitations) and have come to accept it's part of anxiety and accept them. As long as the old ticker keeps ticking, I'm OK with it!:) Alankay.

12-15-2012, 04:19 PM
I get that alot and palpatations. I also get random pains throughout my entire body which makes the anxiety so much worse. Unfortunatly its a normal thing 4 us anxiety sufferers infact its normal 4 every1 but we take more notice of it. As we are more aware whats going on in our bodies xx

12-16-2012, 06:02 PM
It's just so scary when you feel your heart jumping all over the place:( sometime it feels like someone is pinching it or thumping on it. It's so uncomfortable:(

12-17-2012, 05:33 AM
I think for many the skipped beats, which are normal, causes the anxiety in a mind predisposed to anxiety. Alankay

12-17-2012, 07:47 AM
I also get these symptoms. Sometimes many times a day. Was especially severe when i was pregnant. I also make myself cough to try get the skipped beats etc to stop. It's so scary when it happens :-(

12-17-2012, 08:05 AM
Just wanted to add that I too suffer from weird heart palpitations! amazing how many of us do :) I love this site for the very fact that It is so nice to know that I am not alone in all the weird things I suffer from. I wish everyone here all the very best as always :)

12-18-2012, 08:00 AM
I just hate them. As I am typing this my heart is skipping. If it were not so uncomfortable maybe it would be easier to deal with. I did better yesterday. Did not have as many as usual but then last night the hit hard and this morning. Sometimes when they stop, I feel like, so this is the best feeling to just sit here and not have any. I wish it were like this every day of my life. And when I think just maybe there going away, bam! The hit again.

12-18-2012, 06:56 PM
My doc did all the tests and said my heart was fine. But these skipping beats are making my anxiety worse! I have them everyday. But when I do get a break from them for about an hour I feel great. Then they strike again. It's wearing me out!

I do to get them it's like a skipping beat in ur heart it's scary & hard to bielieve it's only anxiety & stress causing them .. When I'm doing to much they skip too or when I eat certain things .. I'm always worried about my heart & how it beats .. It messes up my everyday life :(

12-19-2012, 01:58 AM
All of you here are not alone. It's rough, but lets keep chugging!

12-19-2012, 02:00 AM
Im currently experiencing them badly. I got them when i was pregnant a couple of years ago. Had 24 hour monitor done and ecg back then and what i was feeling was apparently benign. I've now started seeing a personal trainer to lose weight and get fit again. On my way home from second session today my heart started going crazy. Can feel it in my neck too. I was frozen in fear driving home. Now Im laying down trying to breathe and relax. Feel horrible :-(

12-19-2012, 08:11 AM
Sorry to hear your going through it too. It is the worst feeling. Does yours skip every other beat and double beat too. Sometimes will skip every other then wait for about 3 normal beats and them skip again. Other times its every other beat and that's when it drives me crazy. It can last for hours sometimes. Also, at night when i wake up, i can feel ok then if i get up to go to the bathroom and lay back down they start again. Its strange. If its just skipping like every 10 beats I can handle it better. Sometimes I am afraid It will not go back to normal:(

12-19-2012, 01:43 PM
I have times when it feels like my heart is going to jump out of my chest. That is the worst for me. Sometimes it also feels like my muscles are shaking but from the inside, if that makes any sense.

12-19-2012, 05:51 PM
Yes it does make sense. I get those same feelings. My heart will skip beats. It's a terrible feeling and I get internal shakes too.

12-19-2012, 06:04 PM
Those internal shakes make me feel so weird. It makes me think my whole body is shaky so I look in the mirror to make sure I'm not.

12-19-2012, 06:58 PM
Yea I know. I hold my hand out and it does not shake but I feel like I am shaking all over. Sometime it even wakes me up and I have a buzzing trembling inside and it's hard to go back to sleep. When I told my doctor that sometime I felt like I was high or buzzing he looked at me like I was crazy! I told him it made me feel like my adrenaline was in high overdrive. He just did not understand:( I also will get a buzzing sound in my left ear. Only my left ear and he said it was from allergies. But it happens only when I get really stresses and can last for days then go away and come back. My hormone patch has helped some with calming down a lot of my anxiety and the shaky feelings. I was over the edge before but has no helped my palps at all.

12-20-2012, 07:39 AM
I get that internal shaky feeling too!!!! Also lately i have muscular feeling pain around my chest and back. Its driving me insane as pain also makes me panic.

So hard to live a normal life at times!

12-21-2012, 08:40 PM
I get that internal shaky feeling too!!!! Also lately i have muscular feeling pain around my chest and back. Its driving me insane as pain also makes me panic.

So hard to live a normal life at times!

Same here :/

12-21-2012, 08:42 PM
My doc did all the tests and said my heart was fine. But these skipping beats are making my anxiety worse! I have them everyday. But when I do get a break from them for about an hour I feel great. Then they strike again. It's wearing me out!

Yes hun I been having it lately I understand its a scary feeling & it seems like u can't enjoy life wen my heart skips my whole body hurts n then I try to eat n it skips but I have hope n I know it's just the anxiety :)

12-21-2012, 08:47 PM
Sorry to hear your going through it too. It is the worst feeling. Does yours skip every other beat and double beat too. Sometimes will skip every other then wait for about 3 normal beats and them skip again. Other times its every other beat and that's when it drives me crazy. It can last for hours sometimes. Also, at night when i wake up, i can feel ok then if i get up to go to the bathroom and lay back down they start again. Its strange. If its just skipping like every 10 beats I can handle it better. Sometimes I am afraid It will not go back to normal:(

Yes hun I'm in the same situation sometimes I don't even want to get out of bed but I have 2 kids to watch over .. I just can't seem to enjoy my life & I always tell myself imma have a heart attack n sometimes I feel my heart beat low n sometimes fast & the skippibg n the flutter I know there scary but ur not alone :)

12-22-2012, 08:17 AM
My heart started up again more yesterday and its its still skipping this morning. The last few days were better with only some during the day and then bam, here we go again yesterday and today. I am so tired of this. I can't even sit and relax without it jumping everywhere. :( I can see my shirt jump when it skips. Sometimes I feel my body jump when the heart skips. Somedays I just feel like its never going to end and I will be miserable the rest of my life. I mean its been doing this for 5 months straight everyday. Even if I don't feel anxiety.

12-22-2012, 06:51 PM
If ur getting the beats a lot, have u tried any kind of relaxation cd's and/or deep breathing exercises? Sometimes i find relaxed deep breathing can help and listening to a relaxing cd at the same time can help shut out the thought of your heart beats.

12-22-2012, 08:03 PM
I do late at night before I go to bed. I have some apps for that. I just can't do it during the day etc since my 3 1/2 yr old is always awake then. Lol. I have tried it but she always wants my ear phones or my phone. There's no relaxing time there. Lol.

12-24-2012, 08:45 AM
I know the feeling Haha. I have a 9 yr old and 19 month old. Try to distract yourself from it when it happens. I know how hard it is though. I usually cough for some reason as if coughing will make my heart go back to normal again, and try to take some slow deep breaths.

12-24-2012, 08:51 AM
I know the feeling Haha. I have a 9 yr old and 19 month old. Try to distract yourself from it when it happens. I know how hard it is though. I usually cough for some reason as if coughing will make my heart go back to normal again, and try to take some slow deep breaths.

12-30-2012, 02:12 AM
One thing that's really helped me is having my doctor write out that my heart is perfectly normal, pvc's and pac's are a normal thing and that they won't hurt me. My counselor told me to do that about a month ago. I've had almost all the tests done and they all come back clean. Since having my Dr's note in my purse I've only had 2 skipped beats in the past month. A VAST improvement than before!

01-09-2013, 04:08 PM
Yes. Pretty often too. It's usually when I'm watching tv. The amount of times I have to feel for my heart beat just to make sure it's ok....

02-14-2013, 05:55 AM
How do you know your heart is skipping beats? , do you check your self all the time or you feel it ?

02-14-2013, 05:55 AM

02-14-2013, 08:11 AM
How do you know your heart is skipping beats? , do you check your self all the time or you feel it ?

You can feel the thumping and flutters in you chest and if you put your finger to your neck and check your Pause, you can feel it skip, double beat etc. some have them and never feel them, but most people with anxiety feel them all the time because we are more in time with our body's.

02-14-2013, 09:32 AM
You can feel the thumping and flutters in you chest and if you put your finger to your neck and check your Pause, you can feel it skip, double beat etc. some have them and never feel them, but most people with anxiety feel them all the time because we are more in time with our body's.

Well one of the times i got a panic attack was went i was in a party and i felt something that thump or flutt , i got out of there ,and i call some friends to go out side to pray for me , i was checking so badd even if i wanted to stop i couldnt , since then i havent had anything else but i do check my heart beat like 4 times a day sometimes even more , i skip beat scares me a lot !!!!!! went i feel that i get one i fell dizzi is that normal?

02-16-2013, 08:06 AM
Well one of the times i got a panic attack was went i was in a party and i felt something that thump or flutt , i got out of there ,and i call some friends to go out side to pray for me , i was checking so badd even if i wanted to stop i couldnt , since then i havent had anything else but i do check my heart beat like 4 times a day sometimes even more , i skip beat scares me a lot !!!!!! went i feel that i get one i fell dizzi is that normal?

Yes it is normal to feel dizzy sometimes and out of breath. Mine will take my breath away for that second. It's a terrible feeling:( as long as you don't have chest pains or pass out. Sometimes anxiety can mimic that.

02-16-2013, 10:58 AM
You can feel the thumping and flutters in you chest and if you put your finger to your neck and check your Pause, you can feel it skip, double beat etc. some have them and never feel them, but most people with anxiety feel them all the time because we are more in time with our body's.

Exactly what my doctor told me.

02-17-2013, 12:45 AM
I too have the heart flutters. I was recently diagnosed as severely vitamin d deficient. I have been on an even monitor for 16 days now and I have also been on a vitamin D therapy. I have not had to press my button once for skipped beat since I started the vit d. I hope this is what was causing it and it doesn't come back after I take the monitor off in march 1st

03-03-2013, 03:09 PM
I too have the heart flutters. I was recently diagnosed as severely vitamin d deficient. I have been on an even monitor for 16 days now and I have also been on a vitamin D therapy. I have not had to press my button once for skipped beat since I started the vit d. I hope this is what was causing it and it doesn't come back after I take the monitor off in march 1st

I have been to the ER enough from these same things

And yes, we are so lucky to be so "in tune" with our body that we feel all the flips and bumps our Hearst does. Which is scary

Keep in mind that most of the symptoms of heart bumps, skips and flutters are a result from shallow chest breathing.

When I feel my heart doing backflips as well as tight chest and shooting chest pains, I just take some deep belly breaths and they go away.

Like I stated above, I went to the ER enough that I just stop taking those feelings serious anymore. Sometimes you have to go through that to make progress

Keep cool!

05-17-2013, 08:45 PM
Heart palpitations or fluttering is horrid - first time I had it at work I thought I was really ill and worried all day, which obviously made the heart flutters worse.

Now I know the heart flutters are just my depression/anxiety and stress at work because had to have an ECG before a recent operation. So know that mine are anxiety which is better for me because now ruled out heart problems, can try to learn to work with the flutters and not panic!

06-04-2013, 05:10 PM
Ive had them off and on for 3 days now. The more I think about them the more they happen

06-25-2013, 04:52 PM
I just went to the hospital for them my EKG was fine but they kept me on a monitor for a few hours and it showed I am getting PVCs

06-25-2013, 06:35 PM
I have this all the time, i used to constantly check my puls and everytime it happens i feel like i loose/ have to grasp for my breath.
If your doctor say you are fine , then you are fine and nothing to worry about :-) Think of that when it strikes it helps!

07-04-2013, 09:36 PM
i have recently started having some too they are a very strange feeling too.i didnt know what was going on last weeka fter a few i ended up in the ER but the doc said i have an almost 'abnormally' healthy heart for a smoker.anxiety induced i know and only because i listen too hard i hear them.I am slowly learning that its the bodies way of telling me i need to make a few life changes.trying to take a positive from the negative?

07-04-2013, 10:05 PM

I will tell u that scares the hell out of me it's called PVCs and I get them daily they tell me my heart is fine but it doesn't feel like it is the EKG shows normal and so does the chest X-ray it's horrible what anxiety and panic can do to your body

07-05-2013, 01:56 PM
Actually my spouse and mother-in-law get those but have never complained of anxiety weird maybe they just don't think about it. I am not an expert obviously.

07-05-2013, 02:47 PM
Yes they say it is common it's scary though

07-13-2013, 10:08 PM
My anxiety was so bad at work this week that I had palpitations which were really horrible. I think it was the effects of a new tablet I was on but it meant I struggled worse than ever at work and could not stop my hands shaking or my heart missing beats all day.

07-13-2013, 11:42 PM
you are not alone. I too suffer from palpitations quite often. Worst part is when the shortness of breath comes to play.

07-23-2013, 01:36 AM
Shortness of breath horrible because so easy go into hyperventilating and full blown panic attack. Have to put your deep breathing, meditation and mindfulness into practice then to stop full blown attack, but really hard once taken hold of you.

08-05-2013, 07:35 PM
Yeah I can feel a flutter sensation is the best to describe it.

08-06-2013, 01:38 AM
Almost every day. So hard to accept that my heart is fine when it's going on alongside shortness of breath and my heart rate going like the clappers!

08-12-2013, 08:47 AM
Sometimes my heart gets like that when I'm anxious, it'll miss a beat then it'll do what feels like one big beat, hard to explain... Feels terrifying though. I spoke to a doctor about it a while ago and he explained that it is completely normal and not harmful.

08-20-2013, 03:39 PM
I have a rapid heart beat and my heart palputates on a regular basis and my doctor said it was normal for my aniexty... it make me so tired and I am soooo tired of having it!

08-21-2013, 10:26 AM
Practice daily pranayamam and yoga its very good healthy method to follow with out any side effects.

10-08-2013, 09:19 AM
The problem I am having is I can be busy doing something and not even thinking about them and then they hit me like a ton I bricks. Every other beats skips. Feels like its about to jump out. It does not beat fast just skips and sometimes double beats. It takes my breath away a bit each time and feels like someone is pinching my heart at the same time. That's when it get annoying because it feels terrible and slightly hurts. If I am not having these skipped beats I don't feel stressed. That is what confuses me.
Hey I feel the same way, I hate it cause sometimes I get the them when I am training volleyball hard and I have to stop cause I cough and my heart feels like is going to stop or jump out of my chest is Cary cause it takes my breath away, I feel fine and with out anxiety, the only time I get anxious is when I get does skipped heart beat :(

10-09-2013, 02:17 AM
Skipping heartbeats has been the norm with my anxiety. But its always good to check out and skipping heartbeats. Unless of course its due to love. :)

New book:
Panic and Anxiety: through the sufferers eyes

10-09-2013, 02:22 AM
What your expressing definitely sounds like panic attacks. Its hard to explain. I get that! Its like your scared about something but there's nothing to be scared about! Except having the panic attack of course. I hate that feeling. I was taught to speak to t and tell it to go away. Sometimes it works and sometimes it don't. :)

New book:
Panic and Anxiety: through the sufferers' eyes

10-15-2013, 11:08 PM
I completely understand! Sometimes it happens whether I'm worried over something big or little! It is indeed scary especially since I have the bad habit of smoking! (Please don't down me, I know I need to quit and I'm trying)

10-26-2013, 08:39 PM
If the doctor says there's nothing wrong, there's probably nothing wrong. Sometimes your heart reacts to random but normal and non-harmful events in your body. When this happens, your body knows what it's doing. It's impossible to die from this, and it WILL end. When it happens, just tell yourself that you've been through this before and you can get over it again. You know any breathing techniques?

11-07-2013, 01:08 PM
My doc did all the tests and said my heart was fine. But these skipping beats are making my anxiety worse! I have them everyday. But when I do get a break from them for about an hour I feel great. Then they strike again. It's wearing me out!

YESSS!!!! I think i'm going to die all day long, and am constantly checking my pulse to see if my heart is still beating.

11-07-2013, 01:09 PM
If the doctor says there's nothing wrong, there's probably nothing wrong. Sometimes your heart reacts to random but normal and non-harmful events in your body. When this happens, your body knows what it's doing. It's impossible to die from this, and it WILL end. When it happens, just tell yourself that you've been through this before and you can get over it again. You know any breathing techniques?

Can you share some breathing techniques with us?

11-08-2013, 07:53 PM
In and Out ... The doctor does not always know ... In and Out ... Just go with what you know ... In and Out ... The Body Knows ... In and Out ... listen to your body ... In and Out ... It's time to go.
I tell myself, I wont be in their long, and if I don't like it ... I'll get up in the middle of doing anything ... and just GO! That way, I know I am in control, and sometimes, I'll exercise that, just to let myself and the doctor know. Unfortunately, I don't do well with clock watchers and or the basic disrespect often associated with groups of people standing and sitting in and around each other ....

My advice, is to start the breathing before you go ... I control my space ... and aim to get out as son as possible. I'll exercise a little tolerance ... but generally, I let others know my condition by outwards gesturing for my space. You can't breath too good with people closing in at arms length. Space ... very vital to me! Very Very glad we are leaving this city we are in. SPACE ... Windows are good ... rock side to side at the window and I find people give me space and keep their distance. Head low in the crash position and move about some ... deep breathing ... headphones ... stare at your phone/tablature adopting whatever yoga position or just to arch your back and breath in deep ... do some cat stretches LOL ... whatever works for you ...

If my heart is beating fast ... I'll adopt whatever makes it slow, as holding it in, will only make me explode. Trigers/Mind/Remove - Take Control - GO , Quite Job/Move Towns/Look for Fresh air ... Be what you want to be ... don't follow that crowed ...
Everyone is different ......... I don't know ...

Best of luck with that ...........

11-27-2013, 12:49 PM
I have the same thing going on. But mine last for days. It's like the moment u get anxious about something the symptoms start and they don't subside for days and days. I guess because when I get short of breath or I get the heart flutters I start to worry and think there is something seriously wrong. I especially get that feeling where you feel like you can't get a breath in and then you try to yawn. Does anyone else get that??!

12-15-2013, 11:54 AM
I have the same thing going on. But mine last for days. It's like the moment u get anxious about something the symptoms start and they don't subside for days and days. I guess because when I get short of breath or I get the heart flutters I start to worry and think there is something seriously wrong. I especially get that feeling where you feel like you can't get a breath in and then you try to yawn. Does anyone else get that??!

I get this too! If I'm not obsessing about my heart rate it's my breathing

12-23-2013, 03:52 PM
This is so spooky. I get exactly the same symptoms. I feel like i can't take in a proper lung full of air and then try hard to get that deep breath, the kind you get when you yawn, i can't always do it and then i get more panicky.

Couple that with palpitations and flutters and all sorts of panick sets in.

01-21-2014, 04:18 PM
I was exactly like you but don't worry it's just anxiety! It started for me when I overdosed on adderall. There's nothing wrong trust me, i went to the doctor a million times and had EKG's and had blood work done. Everything was fine, it's just all in your head. It's all about understanding what it is and telling yourself you can bear anxiety

03-28-2014, 12:29 PM
Daily skipped beats, all tests are normal. The occasional skipped beat doesn't bother me anymore as it is short and I'm used to it. It's the long lasting flutters that freak me out. Then I feel shaky, weak, extremely sleepy, lightheaded and sometimes have the urge to go to the bathroom <---that's the weirdest symptom. My first thought (bc of anxiety) was "oh sh*t, people sh*t when they die, I think I almost died." Doc prescribed beta blocker propranolol 20mg. Too scared to take it. But yeah, you aren't alone. Just reading on this forum helps my anxiety. Thank you all.

04-01-2014, 07:16 PM
The majority of my anxiety symptoms have been expressed through heart and heart rhythm symptoms. Before my debilitating attacks, I would have a nervous feeling in my chest and a noticeable rapid heart rate that would last for days. During my debilitating attacks I would have PVC's up to the rate of 20 per minute. PVC's, called palpitations in the layperson world, are extra heartbeats that come from an irritated nerve on or in service to the heart muscle. As the normal rhythm is thrown off, you can literally feel in your chest and pulse the skipped, irregular and/or hard beats. I was having these PVC's in the presence of a cardiologist during a Nuclear Stress Test, plainly displayed on the cardiac monitor. That doctor assured me that I had normal heart muscle, normal blood supply to that heart muscle and NO disease of the electrical 'pacemaker' system of the heart. It has been since November 15th, 2013 that I have had a debilitating attack but I still have days where the nervous and 'almost' rapid heart rate returns and I have very frequent sensations of hard , irregular and skipped beats. Stress seems to bring it on and make it worse, I am a shift worker (strike one), have a lot of job stress (strike two), trouble sleeping (strike three). Even when flu or cold viruses are incubating in me (and I'm about to get sick) then my heart becomes more irritable. Sometimes starting to breathe in or breathe out or even turn my head will be followed by palpitation(s). So in summary, heart palpitations are very common in anxiety and anxiety disorders.