View Full Version : Hi everyone!

12-11-2012, 03:24 AM
I there everyone I really need help!
I'm 26 and have had anxiety for 4 years, recently it has got a million times worse! I have a 6 and a half month old boy. I feel really weird on a daily basis and feel like I'm gonna die or faint and extremely exhausted!

I do have some tablets to take, I've got citalopram and Zoloft but I'm super scared to take them! I've been with my fiancé 2 years and am getting married next September. My family and him want me to take them but I'm terrified!

I have had enough of the way I feel, and I'm frightened on a daily basis. What does everyone think I should do? I haven't been out on my own in 4 months.

Please can everyone reply quick, I just can't feel like this anymore. Please help!

12-11-2012, 09:13 AM

I am 24 and suffering from anxiety and panic attacks since I was 21. I too was afraid of taking medication, becoming dependent on them and basically afraid of the side effects. I found a good psychiatrist that prescibed buspar. Its a safe no side effect anxiety medication that has mildly helped but I notice a drastice difference in my overall approach on life. I dont want to be drugged to function but just need a little help to get through day to day issues. Life is not perfect theres always people that are suffering worse than you. Its hard to think that way when you feel like youre the only one going through it. I get it. But take each day at a time. Find a comfort security quote, movie, tv show, etc that will help you when you are most anxious. Remember no one gets out of life alive, enjoy it while youre here.

12-11-2012, 10:37 AM
I too take citalopram daily and xanax as needed for those really bad times. I would encourage you to take the meds. and get started asap. I don't have any experience with Zoloft but the citalopram is going to take a couple of weeks to get to a theraputic level in your system. I'm a bit older than you and have had issues with anxiety since I was 15. Maybe your doc could give you something like xanax or ativan for quick "temporary relief". I also have tried busbar. When I read what it is prescribed for I thought it was written for "me". Unfortunately it didn't help. I have been on many many different meds. over the years and it may take a little time for your doc. to find the one that works best for you. I wouldn't be too worried about side effects though. Every med has possible side effects. If you have ever taken anything for nasuea chances are good that one of the possible side effects IS nasuea.

Good Luck.

12-11-2012, 10:46 AM
I too take citalopram daily and xanax as needed for those really bad times. I would encourage you to take the meds. and get started asap. I don't have any experience with Zoloft but the citalopram is going to take a couple of weeks to get to a theraputic level in your system. I'm a bit older than you and have had issues with anxiety since I was 15. Maybe your doc could give you something like xanax or ativan for quick "temporary relief". I also have tried busbar. When I read what it is prescribed for I thought it was written for "me". Unfortunately it didn't help. I have been on many many different meds. over the years and it may take a little time for your doc. to find the one that works best for you. I wouldn't be too worried about side effects though. Every med has possible side effects. If you have ever taken anything for nasuea chances are good that one of the possible side effects IS nasuea.

Good Luck.

Did the citalopram cause any feelings that were overwhelmingly worse to you than you already were? I have been prescribed this and have yet to take a single one. I'm so afraid of how meds make it worse before it gets better.

12-11-2012, 11:53 AM
Did the citalopram cause any feelings that were overwhelmingly worse to you than you already were? I have been prescribed this and have yet to take a single one. I'm so afraid of how meds make it worse before it gets better.

I had absolutely no problems with citalopram. I would be extremely surprised if things got worse. You may feel a little tired when you first start but your doc. is probably starting you on a low dose. 10mg.? I've come to the conclusion that for most meds. it's better for me not to read about possible side effects. It is scary! I mean it's an "anti-depressent" and side effects may include worsening depression and thoughts of suicide. I have talked at length with my therapist and phyc. about this over the years and you just have to try to not think about side effects or you may talk yourself into one. Just make sure that you trust your doctor. However.....Definately do pay attention if you notice any changes in yourself and let them know.

Keep in touch

12-11-2012, 03:23 PM
Thankyou for your replies. I'm going back to the doctor tommorow to have another chat. I've been doing some research and have come to ge conclusion that I could have postpartum depression. I'm obviously not going to label until I've seen the doc but it all points to that. Also it's got a lot worse because I left it because I'm scared of the medication.

I really hope they can do something tommorow. I'm so frightened and upset. Just wish I could get rid of these nasty thoughts. They are really scaring me!

12-11-2012, 07:44 PM
I there everyone I really need help!
I'm 26 and have had anxiety for 4 years, recently it has got a million times worse! I have a 6 and a half month old boy. I feel really weird on a daily basis and feel like I'm gonna die or faint and extremely exhausted!

I do have some tablets to take, I've got citalopram and Zoloft but I'm super scared to take them! I've been with my fiancé 2 years and am getting married next September. My family and him want me to take them but I'm terrified!

I have had enough of the way I feel, and I'm frightened on a daily basis. What does everyone think I should do? I haven't been out on my own in 4 months.

Please can everyone reply quick, I just can't feel like this anymore. Please help!

Check you vitamin D level I bit you will find it very low . That should help you a lot . Good luck

12-12-2012, 02:20 AM
How do I check that? I had a feeling it could be that. Going to the docs today so will ask him :-)

12-12-2012, 07:46 AM
Just got back from the coyote, he said I've got severe anxiety! I've got to start my citalopram again tonight! Scared.com!!

12-12-2012, 09:29 AM
That was meant to say doctor!!

12-12-2012, 10:44 AM
Just got back from the coyote, he said I've got severe anxiety! I've got to start my citalopram again tonight! Scared.com!!

I had the same severe anxiety with a panic attack I asked my doctor to do some lab test one of them was vitamin D and it turn that I have a deficiency on vitamin D .. I took citalopram for a while but I switched to escitalopram 3 weeks ago ( for me it's better with my anxiety ) I also takes vitamin D as 50,000 dose (1 tablet a week) thanks God I became much better 3days my first dose .. I am not sure is it the escitalopram or the vitamin D but u need to face your fear and accept the fact that u need the medicine and tell ur self it just a matter of time then I will sure be normal again . It's as you having a cold or flu or any other sickness it will take its time then go ... Also try to control your thought by replacing your negative thought with positive stuff I know it will be a little hard at the beginning but it need a practice and be positive that you will pass all this one day and will thank God that he helped you throw this time ,, good luck

12-12-2012, 10:51 AM
Trouble is my doctor won't give me a blood test, doctors here are awful, I told him I'm shattered all the time and now I'm expected to take citalopram which could keep me up. I feel awful as it is and am frightened the tablets are gonna make that worse! I feel like I'm gonna faint or die where I'm so exhausted. I don't know what to do? It's so hard to sleep at night coz of the worry of something bad happening!

12-12-2012, 10:53 AM
Trouble is my doctor won't give me a blood test, doctors here are awful, I told him I'm shattered all the time and now I'm expected to take citalopram which could keep me up. I feel awful as it is and am frightened the tablets are gonna make that worse! I feel like I'm gonna faint or die where I'm so exhausted. I don't know what to do? It's so hard to sleep at night coz of the worry of something bad happening!

If you like to go to the chat room

12-12-2012, 10:59 AM
Trouble is my doctor won't give me a blood test, doctors here are awful, I told him I'm shattered all the time and now I'm expected to take citalopram which could keep me up. I feel awful as it is and am frightened the tablets are gonna make that worse! I feel like I'm gonna faint or die where I'm so exhausted. I don't know what to do? It's so hard to sleep at night coz of the worry of something bad happening!

It's ok .. Try the over counter vitamin D 5000 IU or so then it should help too but don't rush the result it takes a while to work

12-12-2012, 11:16 AM
Going to the chat room, you in there deedee?

12-12-2012, 11:34 AM
Going to the chat room, you in there deedee?

I am going now ok

12-12-2012, 11:47 AM
Ok no problem, me too