View Full Version : Tonight is really bad :-(

12-10-2012, 11:32 PM
Just a few weeks ago, I started experiencing panic attacks and high anxiety. So terrible! My doc prescribed me with zoloft and xanax, and I've been taking low dosage of zoloft for almost 2 weeks now. Will up the dosage in a few days, but tonight I just feel really, really depressed more than anxious....feelings like I'm really alone, that I can't have fun, that I'm ruining people's lives (even though I know that's not true, I feel like that), that no one is going to want to be around me....just really, awful feelings!!

Does depression occur from taking the zoloft? Will the zoloft kick in soon to take care of this?? Has anyone else experienced high anxiety and then depression?? This is all so new to me still, I'm feeling just a little crazy, like there is a bug running around my brain!!

12-10-2012, 11:57 PM
When I first started my medicine back when I was taking it my doctor told me the anxiety might get worse before it got better...which it did. That was lexapro...same might go for Zoloft. I hope you feel better.

12-11-2012, 12:11 AM
The depressed feelings are probably more likely to come from the Xanax, which is a depressant.

The anti depressants - Zoloft in particular takes at least 6 weeks to kick in after the initial euphoria (if you were lucky enough to experience that!).

However in you situation it is normal, if not expected that you will take a good, hard look at your life and how you got here and the impact it's going to have on you and your loved ones.

I'd recommend keeping a journal that just keeps a record of how you are feeling. Even if you are just rating the day from 10 - good to 0 - shite! It will help your prescribing doctor too.

12-11-2012, 12:27 AM
Thanks for your support... it's really helpful. I just don't know how I got from anxiety to depression...my doc said that in the new DSM, anxiety and depression fall under the same spectrum...that anxiety affects the same parts of the brain as depression does, people just experience different symptoms... just started having really guilty feelings that aren't really that bad, but just aren't going away for some reason. Like not being able to let go of stuff, just dwelling on really negative feelings.

Has anyone else experienced anxiety and depression around the same time?

12-11-2012, 12:31 AM
Depression is a side effect of all anti-depressants. Beware of thoughts of suicide or unusual depression. These could be signs that this is NOT the drug for you. Call your doctor and express your concern. If you continue taking it and the feeling is getting worse, you need to switch medicines before it takes it's full effect. I had to go through a couple of them before I found one that did not make me extremely depressed. When in doubt, google your medicines name and read about possible side effects. I know with anxiety reading about the side effects isn't fun, but it can really help you out! I have a nursing bavkground. If you need any info, feel free to PM me :)

12-11-2012, 01:30 AM
Thanks for your support... it's really helpful. I just don't know how I got from anxiety to depression...my doc said that in the new DSM, anxiety and depression fall under the same spectrum...that anxiety affects the same parts of the brain as depression does, people just experience different symptoms... just started having really guilty feelings that aren't really that bad, but just aren't going away for some reason. Like not being able to let go of stuff, just dwelling on really negative feelings.

Has anyone else experienced anxiety and depression around the same time?

I have both anxiety and depression, and I find them to be two sides of the same coin. And yes, meds can make you feel worse before you feel better. It's like a cruel pharmaceutical joke on us. I agree with the suggestion to give it time, but to also keep in touch with your MD. Journaling is also a great idea.

12-11-2012, 04:38 AM
Now that I think about it, when I was going to a counselor she told me that if she put me on anxiety medicine then she would also have to give me something for depression. I would call your doctor. I hope you feel better.