View Full Version : Amber Alert!!!

12-10-2012, 08:52 PM
Ugh - the old anxiety is on high alert today.

Woke up from a dream that I had a migraine with an actual migraine. Called in sick to work. Feeling a bit better now in terms of the massive headache, but my anxiety is through the roof!

Literally can't stop shaking. I have just taken half a Valium and an now patiently waiting for it to kick in.

Obviously had a stressful few months. Separated from partner of 8, almost 9 years, now living with my supportive parents (at age 30!!), but I'm over 40km from work. This won't be a problem next week when I start my 5 week holiday break, but still...

Also lost my cat on the weekend - we found her 7 hours later, but I feel like I am still in super high anxiety alert since then - it was awful. I cried more than when my ex and I split!

On the cancellation list for my psychiatrist. I can't believe I have been coping with this pretty much non stop for almost a year... My body and my brain need a break!!

Just had to get that out. :)

12-10-2012, 10:11 PM
Thankyou Valium old friend!

An hour and a half later, I feel 'normal' again.

I think this anxiety is stemming from guilt over leaving my partner and the upcoming break. What am I going to do with myself for five long weeks?

Not to mention Christmas. Whilst I am lucky to have the support of my family, colleagues and friends, my partner who suffers from depression has totally isolated himself.

This period also coincides with the start of my most recent anxiety problem - 27th Jan.

It's a hard time if year for most normal people. Those of us who are anxiety prone are even more likely to struggle.

12-10-2012, 10:19 PM
I'm glad you're feeling better, and that you found your cat. That had to be a relief. And yes, thank the gods for good pharmaceuticals.