View Full Version : Trembling feeling near heart?

12-10-2012, 02:28 PM
Does anyone else get this or know what it is.

I suffer from ectopic heartbeats as well as a rapid pulse from time to time. Sometimes though I get a feeling that I can only describe as a trembling feeling that feels like its either weak ectopic beats or its my heart beating fast but when I take my pulse its slow and steady. Clearly it's not actually my heart that is causing this feeling but it a definitely on the left side and roughly where the heart is. Anyone else get this or know why it is, I've lost track of all the different ways my anxiety manifests itself physically?

12-10-2012, 02:32 PM
Does it feel like a flutter? I get a flutter feeling near my heart and throat. I know this is a common symptom of many anxiety sufferers. I also have acid reflux and this can cause a flutter as well.

12-10-2012, 03:03 PM
Make sure to get blood work done on your thyroid it can cause crazy feelings of heart fluttering and palpitations and even trembling and anxiety. Look up hypothyroidism

12-10-2012, 03:32 PM
Does anyone else get this or know what it is.

I suffer from ectopic heartbeats as well as a rapid pulse from time to time. Sometimes though I get a feeling that I can only describe as a trembling feeling that feels like its either weak ectopic beats or its my heart beating fast but when I take my pulse its slow and steady. Clearly it's not actually my heart that is causing this feeling but it a definitely on the left side and roughly where the heart is. Anyone else get this or know why it is, I've lost track of all the different ways my anxiety manifests itself physically?

I often find my chest muscles twitch and it always makes me feel like my heart is fluttering but my pulse is perfect while it's doing it. I don't know, but that is just something that I have noticed happen to me. Kind of like when your eye lid twitches annoyingly. It can do it anywhere.

12-10-2012, 11:21 PM
I have had the same feeling with my anxiety lately. Mine is worse after I eat. What I did tonight at work was I excused myself and went to the restroom to check my pulse. Slow and steady. The time it took me to tuck my shirt back in distracted me a little so when I got back to my desk I got some lavender from my purse and put a bit on both sides of my nostrils, and on my upper lip under my nose. I got a small cup of water and slowly sipped to distract myself further. I tried counting letters in sentences(this worked last night)...and finally I just said ok let's just do this...I sat in my chair, relaxed all of my muscles, and just let the feeling run its course until it was over. I feel fine now...just really tired from not sleeping lately but not sleepy yet. Try some of these things and see if they help. :)

12-11-2012, 12:26 AM
Thanks everyone. I've had blood work done not too long ago & all came back clear. Yes the feeling is like a flutter, almost as if there's a butterfly trapped in your chest. It isn't a strong feeling but noticeable and I always think my heart must be racing or beating in a irregular way but its not.