View Full Version : Feeling really low.

12-10-2012, 12:30 PM
Just need to vent. Having feelings of extreme frustration and feeling down about myself. The fustration is coming from the people i work with in paticular my boss. This guy just has a way of not doing anything. He sits in his office all day watching youtube videos and wont answer the phone when he is less than a foot away. Then hes always wanting to leave all the time. There is also a lot of frustration in how i feel about my life. Just not happy with the way things are going right now. No matter what i do it just dont seem right. Right now we are trying to save to by a house but it just seems like its not happening fast enough. I guess thats why i am feeling so down right now. Really not happy with myself right now at all. Back in January of this year i was told i have GAD, after supposedly all the doctors and ER's i had gone to say they could not explain my symptoms. And still to this dayit is very frustrating and confusing. I will be very grateful for any kind of response.

12-12-2012, 07:48 PM
I'm feeling down but for different reasons then yours, obviously lol. One thing I can say, is I'd be happy just to have a job, or someone to buy a house with. We all have problems and sometimes they get so bad you can't see past them and become depressed. Then we think negative all the time. I think your just flowing your emotions to one errands of your life and their building up and overwhelming you. For example. Ted had everything he ever wanted but he wasn't happy. He then realised instead of focusing on one or two areas of his life, he just changed the way he lived that life simply by changing his perception of life in general. Some people would kill to have things that are in your life, realize what you have and change something about it. Even if its small. And I promise you won't feel the same.

12-13-2012, 05:30 AM
Every person is a good human being. With good behavioiur you can have an impress others, as this is the right way to live.