View Full Version : Fear of Medication

12-10-2012, 10:04 AM
Anyone fear meds? I'm so afraid of having an allergic reaction or something. I worry everyday that I will get sick and need meds, and won't be able to take them. This causes so much anxiety and panic. The commercials certainly don't help with their long list of side effects! How do I deal with this???

12-11-2012, 10:32 PM
I am also afraid of medication. To the point that I have suffered through massive panic attacks that have lasted over an hour before I'd take a Xanax. Last night I had one so bad I thought I was really dying and called an ambulance. They checked me out and of course I wasn't dying. They even stayed with me until my med that I finally took kicked in. The best advice I can give is even if you have a side effect, is it really any worse then the anxiety and pain you suffer now? Take a chance. I promise it's worth it. :)

12-18-2012, 07:46 PM
Hi joey!

I too have this awful fear that you are experiencing...
I was meant to start taking citalopram 10mg on Friday. Here we are on Wednesday morning and I still have not succeeded!
Dont beat yourself up about it, anxiety likes to play tricks with our minds and make us feel worthless.
Just remember what doesn't kill you makes you stronger!
I'm here if you want to talk
Keep smiling

12-18-2012, 11:55 PM
Hi joey!

I too have this awful fear that you are experiencing...
I was meant to start taking citalopram 10mg on Friday. Here we are on Wednesday morning and I still have not succeeded!
Dont beat yourself up about it, anxiety likes to play tricks with our minds and make us feel worthless.
Just remember what doesn't kill you makes you stronger!
I'm here if you want to talk
Keep smiling

Hi there,
Omg I thought this was something only I suffered, I got so messed up on prescription Anti depressants that now Im scared to take anything! [I] suffer chronic headaches and tummy aches and lots of anxiety symptoms that I feel like I don't want to feel worse than I already do! MY fear is ridiculous though because I've been to a holistic Dr and wont even take the Vitamins, herbs and a simple powdered Minerals! When your under constant stress your body is depleted or Minerals and I can't even crack the safety seal to take them!! Nearly everyday I say ok todays the day but that day passes! No body knows this about me, I fear being poisoned its sooooo ridiculous I could be feeling better taking this stuff but I jst wont

12-19-2012, 06:24 AM
Hi bjjr! Thankyou for your post...

I am totally on your wavelength, because I'm feeling so emotionally tired and anxious my mind is feeding of that and making me think that something dreadfull is going to happen, I feel like my head is in one big fog and that I'm on the edge of a panic attack most days!

I have tried my best to accept the fact that it's just anxiety doing its thing and that being strong and conquering my fears will make my anxiety fade into the background. This so far has not worked and I have been trying for 4 years!

I think in regards to medication it's just like a plaster, heals the wounds to enable us to address our problems and move forward. Apparently some kind of therapy alongside helps tremendously, though I haven't started my citalopram yet I am seriously considering it and also asking for therapy (Cbt possibly) look at it this way medication surely can't be as bad as our minds working overtime constantly and it will help us on the road to recovery.

Anxiety is an illness and one that not everyone can understand. My partner does not suffer and for him watching me so destruct is a very hard thing to go through. I at this moment in time am housebound and the thought of going out sends my mind into turmoil. I also have a 7 month old son. I think we should both embrace in the fact that right now we might be suffering but in the long term medication can heal us and put us back onto steady ground. Embrace in the fact hat also this is not forever, it's a temporary measure. Our minds just need to heal.

What medication have you been prescribed? What makes you scared to try these? For me it's side affects.

12-19-2012, 11:37 AM
I am the same way. I have tried every med out there for anxiety. I first started with Zoloft. It messed me up so bad I was bed ridden for 4 weeks. Doctor just kept upping my dose saying I need more. I finally went to the hosp and the doctor there said to stop the Zoloft. I was having almost every reaction plus some. Then they tried me on diff ones and I felt the same thing starting again so I stopped. Now they say I can't take that kind of med. so I am just stuck with cloraspam for anxiety. Now I am afraid to take any meds as I am also very sensitive to meds. I started on a beta blocker that took me months just to try and I cut it in 4's and just take that tiny bit at night. I tried half and was sooo tired and started getting depressed. But you have to be careful taking over the counter vitamins , supplements etc when you take benzo's. St. John's wart is the worst. It can cause a build up if toxins in your body if you take it with benzo's. it can kill you. I talked to my doctor about it and he said do not take them together. I could do one or the other but to wait 2 weeks for the benzo's to get out of my system first. I even bought a bottle before I talked to him but was scared to take it. That goodness I talked to him before. You would think that stuff they sell over the counter would not cause that much harm, but it does and can. So always ask a doctor when your on meds.

12-19-2012, 11:48 AM
Hi sandy!
Did you ever try citalopram?

12-19-2012, 12:00 PM
No I have not only because its an antidepressant just like the others and they said I would 99%have the same reactions since I did on Prozac, Zoloft, Paxil, Wellbutrin , Effexor and some others. I have tried buspar that is just for anxiety not an antidepressant and it did seem to take away some worry but made me very very sleepy and felt like I had 10 cups of coffee. Made me real in easy feeling. Like I could clean the house for hours with all this energy and not really a feel good energy. Like a high or something. It was strange. But a friend of mine takes it and it helps her. Maybe I just expect the worst with all meds:(

12-19-2012, 12:01 PM
I say all that energy came first then a Big Bang of being sooo sleepy.

12-30-2012, 07:50 AM
i am exactly the same. im terrified of possible reactions that could happen with meds, over the counter, even herbal supplements. and i wouldnt even think about drinking on anything. also i smoke marijuana and i often worry what adverse affects might be happening in my brain. I call poisons information line and they will tell you what you can and cant take with what. i remember i went to the hospital for a migraine whilst on benzos for panic attacks and the nurse was going to give me codeine which i was advised not too take from poisons information.. also i was too worried about the side affects and possible increase of symptoms during the first weeks of starting lexapro and zyprexa but trust me i would try anything to get rid of this monster inside of me, also ive suffered from seretonin withdrawel, brain zaps, the lot and it is not fun so if anyones thinking about stopping their meds because of side affects etc, DONT, please talk to your doctor, because i havent felt the same since , i hope you're okay though and take care

01-18-2013, 06:30 AM
I'm so glad I m not alone.. ever since I have been young I have been scared to take medication, even headache tablets

I have been anxious now for a few years now (about 7) I have been medicating my anxiety with alcohol for a long time now, then th alcohol became a problem, I'm off it now two weeks sober and the person i see at the alcohol clinic wants me to take citalopram?

Has anyone taken this drug? I'm affraid Im scared of side affects.. has anyone been alright on this drug?

01-18-2013, 11:54 PM
I'm so glad I m not alone.. ever since I have been young I have been scared to take medication, even headache tablets

I have been anxious now for a few years now (about 7) I have been medicating my anxiety with alcohol for a long time now, then th alcohol became a problem, I'm off it now two weeks sober and the person i see at the alcohol clinic wants me to take citalopram?

Has anyone taken this drug? I'm affraid Im scared of side affects.. has anyone been alright on this drug?

I have a big fear of meds also even headache ones when you figure how to overcome it please let me know :)

01-23-2013, 05:46 PM
I'm on citalopram big jim, nothing to be scared of! I was terrified like yourself but really there is nothing to be frightened of! It will turn your life around.. All I will say is be prepared to go up and down with doses depending on which one works best! Good luck!

01-25-2013, 09:42 PM
Citalopram has been the only thing that has offered me relief. I am also in therapy, but the Citalopram takes the edge off enough that I can work on the hard stuff. :) I'm currently at 40 mg.

01-26-2013, 04:22 AM
I can't & wont take anti depressants again I had 4 different ones in 5 months and got really beeped up!! My holistic dr. prescribed 3 different supplements yesterday I got one into me tomorrow I've made a commitment to myslf to try the other then one to go! I have 4 weeks to try and bring my anxiety dwn sleep better ect Otherwise its referral to Neurologist I know they'll request an MRI which scares the crap outta me!! I suffer headaches/dizziness and derealisation 24/7
She said Ill end up on anti psychotics if Im not careful for derealisation! So I've gotta pull my shit together and follow her prescribing asap

01-26-2013, 07:15 AM
I can't & wont take anti depressants again I had 4 different ones in 5 months and got really beeped up!! My holistic dr. prescribed 3 different supplements yesterday I got one into me tomorrow I've made a commitment to myslf to try the other then one to go! I have 4 weeks to try and bring my anxiety dwn sleep better ect Otherwise its referral to Neurologist I know they'll request an MRI which scares the crap outta me!! I suffer headaches/dizziness and derealisation 24/7
She said Ill end up on anti psychotics if Im not careful for derealisation! So I've gotta pull my shit together and follow her prescribing asap

So what supplements did he give you? I am curious because I take B12, D, magnesium citrate and fish oil now and feel much better. I think since the mag citrate and fish oil are natural muscle calmers and nerve calmers that is what's helped me. I was doing the B and D but not much difference till I started the mag citrate and fish oil. It even stopped my heart palps:)