View Full Version : I need some advise!

12-10-2012, 04:38 AM
Hi there,

I have sever anxiety so I'm obviously in right place! I can't beat these thoughts that I have, one minute I'm fine and dandy and loving life and the next I think that I am going to die or pass out. I get a slight increase in heart rate, I feel detached from who i am and my soundings , I'm hyper ventilate and my vision goes blurry. Literally this will happen 15+ times a day. It's the oddest feeling that I will just die. I like to has a drink and smoke and every time I have a big night out I feel horrible in my head from the death feeling, I'll sit there in bed most off the day dwelling over it. I'm 24 I have a great job I'm healthy have a great family so everything should be fine! I'm going nuts :-( anyone have any advise for me?

12-10-2012, 05:52 AM
You're having waves of anxiety and the day after drinking will be worse. Alankay

12-10-2012, 11:53 AM
Dutchee, you are a complex human being. So don't label yourself as someone who is going nuts.

12-10-2012, 02:13 PM

Don't worry about the feelings. I've experienced similar feelings - going about my day-to-day life which is just fine but then suddenly feeling like I'm going to die.

Don't worry about it. Just pay attention to how you're feeling. You're not going die just yet. They are just thoughts running through your mind and emotions through your body. What these thoughts are telling you is not true! Allow it all to happen and see what happens! I promise you it's nothing to worry about. The hardest thing is to stop interfering with the natural clear-out process your mind and body is going through.

12-10-2012, 02:20 PM
Many people with anxiety share your symptoms. I've gone days feeling like I was going to pass out or die at any moment. It's very scary. Just know you are not alone. I try to tell myself over and over that it's only anxiety and it cannot hurt me. That helps usually.