View Full Version : Really hate Sunday nights...

12-09-2012, 03:30 PM
Sunday nights are filled with anxiety for me. So stressed about the work week ahead. I actually start worrying about Monday morning on Friday nights and it gets progressively worse until I go to bed on Sunday night. I just don't know how to get past this feeling. I am on lexapro for three weeks now still waiting for it to work. I take lorazepam as needed and always do on Monday mornings when I wake up. Work always turns out fine and I don't know why I worry so much. I just do. Anyone else fel this way? Any advice?

12-09-2012, 03:43 PM
Lots of people feel this way! Practically most people I'd say!
Just keep reminding yourself it always turns out ok-that these worries have no factual evidence behind them.
I just started Lexapro too and I'm confident you will feel better soon!

12-09-2012, 03:59 PM
Aimra, hello and welcome! I completely understand what you wrote. I think I could have written that myself. I'm glad to hear that you have started anti-anxiety meds. My understanding is that they need about 6 weeks minimum to really start to work, so keep hanging on. But the medication will only get you so far. It's important to start to try to work out these thoughts that make you so anxious, even in when it always turns out just fine. I would suggest that you think about seeing a therapist. You may also want to journal your thoughts and feelings. Sometimes, if we get our fears on paper, they quiet down in the mind.

12-09-2012, 05:07 PM
Thanks for those replies. I have written journal entries before but they were more like diary entries and less about the feelings specifically. I will try that. Many times it isn't even about something that I am afraid of... More like a kind of unexplainable fear of some kind. I really hope this lexapro starts working soon though. I am seeing a therapist but only three times so far. Not sure it is helping but I am going to stick with it anyway. So glad I found this forum.

12-09-2012, 05:45 PM
Thanks for those replies. I have written journal entries before but they were more like diary entries and less about the feelings specifically. I will try that. Many times it isn't even about something that I am afraid of... More like a kind of unexplainable fear of some kind. I really hope this lexapro starts working soon though. I am seeing a therapist but only three times so far. Not sure it is helping but I am going to stick with it anyway. So glad I found this forum.

Work is one, if not THE most common causes (or major contributor) of stress.

For anxious folk, just the mere thought of work can spark off some fear, even if work isn't particularly stressful.

Having anxiety disorder puts you balancing on a cliff edge anyway... so being at work and having to tackle even MORE stress is often enough to push you over.

Given the above, Sunday nights, and in particular the dread of Monday mornings, is BOUND to be an unsettling time.

Just think of all the hundreds of Mondays you've tackled in the past... the future is no different!

12-09-2012, 07:34 PM
I have a ton of work anxiety, I deal with it by breaking my schedule down, I think "I just have to make it through 3 days until my day off" then when I get to work "I just have to make it 4 hours until my 1st break" and "4 more hours until I can go home". 4 hour windows are much easier to deal with than a whole week. Hope your anxiety gets better.

12-10-2012, 04:33 AM
I too dread going to work, I feel k
Like curling up into a ball, instead of going. What's worse is that it occurs full on in the morning which coincidsmwith my panic that I feel every morning.

I wish you well,wish that I shade some sage advice, but I doing. You are not alone.

12-11-2012, 08:32 PM
When I am in a funk I call it the Sundays because that's how I get on Sundays and Weds (mid week where everything is climaxing). Relax and try to get some rest first off. PM if you need too.

12-12-2012, 06:17 AM
Your mind will give you back what you feed it. Do your best to keep active and your mind on something other than the coming week. Little by little it will make a difference.

12-12-2012, 06:23 AM
Chuc mot ngay lam viec vui ve va hieu qua.
Cam on bai viet hay va co chat luong cua ban
Phat huy ban nhe.
Cam on ban

What is this? clingon?

12-12-2012, 08:20 AM
Lol....clingon...you are too funny Dazza.