View Full Version : How im feeling

12-09-2012, 02:51 PM
This life is too much to take . I can’t keep going like this, alone. I have a few friends and family, but I’m isolated. So much that I can barely remember what it’s like to have those, to have the support of my friends, to have that actual friendship. The feeling someone cares. I can’t and I don’t want to keep living. My life is nothing. Nothing more than misery. I am hurting, more than I ever thought I could. I can’t take it. I think I really am going to do it. Take an overdose, kill myself, anything just to stop the pain. Just make it stop. I need help, help that I can’t get from anyone because they don’t know or care. They don’t know I’m hurting. They don’t know I feel alone, scared, betrayed, and depressed. Of course, I don’t blame any of them. It’s my own fault. I have pills set out, ready to take. I think I will. I have 28 50mg of amitriptyline, and 28 40mg citalopram and also quite a few naproxen to take. I want to do this… and that scares me. Its just waiting until I'm on my own so no one will find me.

12-09-2012, 03:50 PM
Please DO NOT turn to suicide! This is not the best answer! I know how you feel and trust me many others on this forum do as well!
I understand everything you just expressed-I lost a parent years ago and I was exactly where you are.
Well a few days ago i left my job from anxiety and now I have to rebuild my life while I deal with the anniversary of my mom's passing this week as well.
Life doesn't have to be painful-you're going through a rough time but we've all been at that point and trust me-bad times don't last!
Please continue reaching out for help! There are people who do love you and care deeply! Please go to a therapist-and also be kind to yourself! Join a yoga class or some sort of activity to meet new people!
Just please don't hurt yourself!

12-09-2012, 04:06 PM
Have you ever looked into Inpatient Care? Do what you need to do to get through this please. Alankay

12-13-2012, 05:39 AM
The ideas make feel good always. so have relavant one , make them a note to have a glance watch for change of the feelings. You can have a more of them.