View Full Version : New job anxiety?

12-09-2012, 04:31 AM
So I know I have been posting a lot about symptoms lately but I have found this forum very helpful. I absolutely hate change. I have been at my current job almost 4 years, and while its been a wonderful learning experience (although very stressful) I was offered a job in my degree field. Due to being afraid of the "unknown" I have decided to work my current part time as well. I am so anxious about how to juggle both but I feel anxiety over leaving the comfort of my current job all together. Today is my first day at the new job and here I am wide awake. First with chest pains, then burning in my left arm, then burning in my feet. I just need reassurance that its anxiety so I can get a little rest!! You all are awesome and I thank you for the continued help and support.

12-09-2012, 05:39 AM
It is anxiety. And congrats on the new job! Woo-hoo! Now get some sleep!

12-09-2012, 06:57 AM
It's definitely anxiety-just breathe-you're allowed to be nervous but get some sleep too!

12-09-2012, 10:42 AM
Thank you two. I finally got a little bit if sleep and now I'm getting ready to go to my new job. :)

12-09-2012, 03:32 PM
Knock em dead!