View Full Version : Anxiety attacks while driving?

12-09-2012, 04:14 AM
I get these attacks all the time in the car whether im driving or not I feel as if I can't breathe and I get wrestless In the car it always happens there isn't a time where I've driven and haven't had some sort of attack

12-09-2012, 05:14 AM
In the car, in the shower, going to bed, waking up, at work, in the cinema, in a shop... you name it, we've all been there :-)

Ridiculous and embarassing, eh?

You know how we're naturally afraid of certain creatures that sting and bite... like wasps and snakes.
Well, unfortunately your brain is now naturally afraid of the car - only for not so obvious reasons.

If there was a snake that actually wasn't venomous, yet you were still affraid of it... what do you think the best method to overcome it would be?

I reckon it would be the push past the fear barrier and get to know the snake. Hold it / stroke it / pet it / caress it (ooooh behave)

Perhaps you should try the same with the car? although stroking and caressing it may turn heads, lol

Just sit in the passenger seat on your own and get to know it.

I dunno... might work.
There are others on here that have had (and conquered) the same. I guess it's best to await their input.

12-09-2012, 05:40 AM
Welcome, Louie! Is in the car the only time you feel anxiety?

12-09-2012, 05:50 AM
Do you remember being driven around in a car as a child or teenager and being free from these attacks? What about when you were learning to drive, was the problem around then? This might help you to pin-down a time in your life when the problem first occurred.

It’s likely the cause is linked to some auto scare. It could have been an accident or a near accident you were involved in. Or even discovering somebody you knew was in an accident, perhaps even killed.

There’s also the possibility you got scared in a car over something non accident related. For instance, a power argument between your parent’s when you were young whilst traveling in a car. Also, cars are popular places for dating! Do you recall a fearful incident in such a situation.

Knowing consciously what’s generating the problem is unlikely to cure it without further investigation, but it’s a powerful step in the right direction. Think of it as stage one.

12-09-2012, 05:53 AM
I used to get them very bad when dating my ex. To pick her up and get home was a 6 hour round trip. It was worst stuck in traffic 60 miles away from home on the outskirts of london. The rapid breathing, tight chest, feelings of impending doom would utterly consume me and from then on I really couldn't settle down.

I'm not sure how i'd do nowadays given I feel a lot calmer and more accepting around anxiety. The more worry and emotion you allow it when you feel these symptoms, the more likely it is to escalate. But it's often tough to try and remain neutral and remember to focus on deep breathing and telling yourself "it's only anxiety ".


12-09-2012, 06:55 AM
Mine occur more when someone else is driving. I guess it's the feeling of not being in control.

12-09-2012, 07:30 AM
This is exactly how my panic attacks started. I had a long commute home with my son, who was an infant at the time. I would get vertigo, and start feeling like I couldn't breathe....

12-09-2012, 09:26 AM
Its happened to me before but only driving when it's dark and over bridges. Just listen to music or even talk to yourself.

12-10-2012, 01:42 AM
Well when I was younger I knew someone who died while driving but that was a while ago I was a very good driver I'm into Motorsport I always use to ride a dirt bike and do dangerous things I use to drive like a hoon so I dunno what it could be but how ever my first panic attack was in a car perhaps that could be it

12-10-2012, 08:26 AM
Sit down in quirt reflection and see what you can recall going on in your life shortly prior to the start of the attacks. In short, you’re looking for a memory of an event where you felt what you’re feeling now.

The different is, at the causal time you knew what was causing you to feel the way you did. I hope that makes sense?

12-10-2012, 02:42 PM
Don't try and figure it out. I'm with dazza. Spend some time in the car when you have some free time and allow your feelings of anxiety to arise. See what happens.

Although panic can feel incredibly intense if we really stop fighting it it loses it's power. Become familiar with the feelings. Befriend them. This will help you get to the root of it much more easily than trying to figure it out in your head or from circumstances in your past. Spend some time in the car...

12-10-2012, 09:15 PM
I have been plagued by anxiety whilst driving for a number of years. For me it did stem back to a horrible accident I was in when I was 18 and desensitizing myself to what became a phobia was key in the recovery process.

Valium gave me the kick start I needed to be able to get in a car full stop. Then I took trips as a passenger with my partner. After that I practiced sitting in my car alone, sometimes I'd put the keys in and turn on the ignition. Then small drives. At first I could barely make it around the block without getting anxiety symptoms, but after doing it every day they lessened.

The whole process took about 3 months of hard work and dedication to dissociating my anxiety with the car and driving. Now I am able to comfortably drive an hour to work and back. I still have anxiety, but I don't associate it with driving any more, which has led me to be able to lead a fuller life; I can work and go out whenever I like.

You CAN absolutely beat this. So many people here have.

These strategies worked for me and I really hope that they work for you too.