View Full Version : Anxiety and Depression - is this normal??

12-09-2012, 03:04 AM
I've just started experiencing anxiety/depression about a month and a half ago, and it's spiraled down and out of control once I started having panic attacks before Thanksgiving. I've been taking a low dosage of Zoloft the past week and a half, but will up the dosage soon. My doc also gave me xanax temporarily to help with the anxiety just until the zoloft starts to kicks in.

I'm starting to feel really scared though, like my life is going to be ruined because of this anxiety!! :-( I was on a date with my boyfriend today (we don't go on many nice dates) and almost at the very beginning I felt nauseous and couldn't concentrate at all. I felt numb and lightheaded. My heart started to beat fast, and we went back to my place so I could take xanax...it was really humiliating!
We went to a show, and normally I love going to shows, but would close my eyes exhausted and sometimes doze off to sleep. I felt so terrible, just exhausted. I just wanted to sleep...so I slept for 4 full hours, but now woke up with insomnia!! What the heck!!

My question is -- will zoloft and xanax really make life better?? I feel like I'm going from one spectrum to the other -- with anxiety/panic, I was scared all the time but with zoloft/xanax I'm exhausted all the time. Will these drugs start working? Will these side effects subside?? Life just seems really like a roller coast right now... :-(and I don't want to lose my boyfriend over all this!!