View Full Version : So sick of this.

12-08-2012, 02:59 PM
I just can't shake it. These chest pains come and go. When they come, it's all I can think about. Sometimes the pain goes in my arm. It's usually quick, sharp almost shock like pains. When they come, my chest gets tight and I panic. I can take a Xanax and after it finally kicks in, I feel better. Sometimes the tightness lingers afterwards. I've posted about it before and I've been dealing with anxiety and panic attacks for 8 years, so one would think I would be able to deal with it and overcome it. I just can't seem to shake it! I'm having to take the Xanax more often and I don't like it. I feel like I'm going to have to live with this forever. I just want a way to get over it for good. On top of the anxiety, I have gained about 100 pounds over the last 6 years because of the medication and anxiety in general. I NEED to lose the weight and get myself healthy, but exercising induces panic too! What can I do?? Suggestions welcomed and appreciated.

12-08-2012, 03:07 PM
Are you under the care of a therapist? It seems like your anxiety is getting worse with time and you're doing fewer things that you may find enjoyable and good for you. A good therapist can help you work though your feelings and try to get at the root of why anxiety is manifesting. I would also suggest trying a 5-10 minute progressive relaxation. You can find many on YouTube, as well as apps. You may also want to journal your thoughts and feelings. Sometimes getting our fears down on paper helps ease some of the anxious thoughts. Once you can get yourself to calm down a bit, my guess is that exercise will start to feel good.

12-08-2012, 04:21 PM
Are you on an AD for anxiety? Is that the med that's causing the weight gain? Is so another should be tried as it not helping much. Also has a source of anxiety been identified or do you just have a disposition to anxiety like many? Also if this is more on a generalized anxiety you might be better off with a longer acting benzo like klonopin.
Sunnie is right. If there is a psychic root of the anxiety(conflict, past abuse, etc) getting it out in the pen can help. If not lifestyle changes(cut caffeine, add progressive relaxation, deep breathing practice, good diet) and optimal meds should be sought. Fluoxetine is not known to cause much weight gain. If you not doing well and are under a GP's care can you switch to a pdoc? Wellbutrin is known to cause some weight loss so it might be considered. Alankay

12-09-2012, 03:34 AM
Thanks for the replies. It's 5:00am now and I just woke up for whatever reason and went into a panic attack. I was fine for the first few seconds then I realized I couldn't feel my heart besting hard like usual and panicked that it was stopping. How ridiculous....

So, I am on celexa, 30mg. I was on 20 until about 3 months ago when my anxiety worsened and my doc increased the dose. I also have Xanax .25mg to take as needed, which is more often than not lately. I see a general doctor, not a psychiatrist. Honestly, I don't have insurance which is why I haven't gone to one because I can't afford it. I know it would probably be best, but....

I'm 32, a single mom with 2 kids. I think my biggest fear is that something will happen to me and they will be alone without a mom. I didn't have any anxiety issues until my oldest was 2 years old. I was in a bad relationship where my ex worried more about partying, drugs and alcohol than being a father or husband. I believe that is where it all began. He since has straightened himself out for the most part. My little one is almost 2 and her dad seems to be going through a low in his life. He lost ambition or caring about most things. He isn't working, attitude and behavior have changed drastically and he just isn't someone that I want to be around. He isn't stating with us now, but rather his mother because he knows that I will give him a hard time about not working. I sure do know how to pick them, huh??

So anyway, I have 2 beautiful kids that I love more than anything. I'm ok with being a single mom and rather prefer it at this point. I just want to be the best mom I can for them and give them everything they deserve.

Thanks for reading my rant. Sorry it's so long, it feels better talking about things. I'll try and go back to sleep now that my anxiety has calmed a bit. :)

12-09-2012, 03:55 AM
I'm glad to hear that your anxiety dropped by writing about it. Perhaps journaling will give you some relief. I understand about the problem with insurance. I really commend you for taking the time and effort to address your problems. It wont be easy, but it will be worth it. Raising 2 babies alone has to be the toughest job in America. I completely understand the fear of "what happens if". Do you have family that can assist you in some ways, whether its watching the kids for an afternoon, or being someone you can confide in?

12-09-2012, 04:03 AM
Suffering Mums with kids is a regular topic on this forum. As with you, their anxiety seems to stem from "am I doing enough... am I good enough"

A common denominator between them seems to be that of staying at home alone too much.

Where possible, you should try to interact / get out the house / socialise with your kids more. Being couped up indoors all the time, staring at the same four walls everyday is not good for anyone.

12-09-2012, 06:26 AM
I do have family that helps me out with watching them when I have something to do. I wouldn't be able to do it without them.

As far as socializing and interacting, we do a ton of that. My older daughter dances a couple nights a week and is involved in Girl Scouts. She is also a cheerleader. My little one and I are always in tow with all of her activities. I also work full time, actually more than full time, about 50 hours a week between my 3 jobs. We may actually do too much.

12-09-2012, 02:54 PM
Wow, you are one busy lady! I'm glad to hear that you have support people in place.