View Full Version : Please Don't Talk To Me

12-08-2012, 10:58 AM
Does anyone else feel that way? It's one of the things that's bothering me the most right now. I don't want to feel this way but when someone tries to talk to me, in my head, I'm screaming "please don't talk to me". I don't want to try to make conversation or feel forced to respond.

Yesterday was my first trip to a place that gave me names of the disorders I have (bpd, avpd ptsd, depression) but I can't figure out which problem is causing this particular symptom or if it's just a combination of *all* of them. I assume it's probably a mixture of all of them I guess. All I know for sure is that it's my F'ed up head.

I had to have a hip replacement and they put me on percocets and when I would take those, I would talk to anyone who would listen. It was a little too far in the other extreme but I want some of that back. I hate feeling this way.

I go in Wednesday for them to put me on medication. Kinda nervous about that but hoping they will give me something to fix this particular problem especially. I know there are no miracle pills or whatever but I'm hoping something will at least help it. I don't think this is something that can be fixed through talking with a therapist. I'm scared that it's a chemical problem and that I will always have to rely on medicine to make me feel ok when dealing with other people. That scares me.

Anyway, just reaching out and hoping someone understands this horrible feeling. I've been to therapy intermittently all my life but would always quit after a few sessions. I'm now determined to deal with these things and get help. But I feel pretty alone and overwhelmed with all these problems.

12-08-2012, 04:26 PM
Do you have one dominate or main disorder lie Bipolar Disorder? Alankay

12-08-2012, 04:48 PM
Do you have one dominate or main disorder lie Bipolar Disorder? Alankay

I think the Borderline Personality Disorder is the one where I display the most symptoms. I'm not sure. I've only been informally diagnosed by an intake therapist. She seemed pretty confident in her diagnosis as far as bpd, avpd, ptsd and depression. It was established a long time ago that I had depression though. I will know more when I talk to the psychiatrist Wednesday.

I'm guessing this feeling must not be very common.... maybe it's just me. I wouldn't be surprised. I've always been the oddball.

12-13-2012, 05:40 AM
It was established a long time ago that I had depression though. I will know more talk with anybody.

12-13-2012, 08:06 AM
It was established a long time ago that I had depression though. I will know more talk with anybody.

Maybe it's the depression doing it then for me too. The doc put me on another med yesterday so I'm hoping it will help. It sucks feeling this way though.