View Full Version : Ughhh

12-07-2012, 10:37 AM
So the very first thing that I got scared of 3 months ago was being a human, and for the past couple weeks I've been thinking "what if I get scare of people?" Like just because they are humans. I know nobody will try to harm or kill me but I'm afraid that I will be scared of my family, friends and therapist:( does anyone feel the same way??

12-08-2012, 03:49 AM
Hey Sully, I've had similar fears. I started getting worried I'd get scared of people. I needed tell myself it was just anxiety and it was a fear brought on by that. Another fear I had is that I would start thinking nothing was real. This came about becuase of the derealization and personalization. But these fears are just anxiety. So you are definitely not alone.

12-08-2012, 04:06 AM
Dude... no offense, but you dunnarf have some totally outrageous fears.

I mean, I completely understand health worries... and phobias of say, snakes, but yours are just plain bonkers! lol

Are you doing anything at all to help yourself?

You NEED to see a therapist.

12-08-2012, 01:50 PM
Hey Sully, I've had similar fears. I started getting worried I'd get scared of people. I needed tell myself it was just anxiety and it was a fear brought on by that. Another fear I had is that I would start thinking nothing was real. This came about becuase of the derealization and personalization. But these fears are just anxiety. So you are definitely not alone.

I'm glad that you were able to relate to Sully. It's nice not to be alone.

12-09-2012, 12:53 AM
Dude... no offense, but you dunnarf have some totally outrageous fears.

I mean, I completely understand health worries... and phobias of say, snakes, but yours are just plain bonkers! lol

Are you doing anything at all to help yourself?

You NEED to see a therapist.

I do go to a therapist! And that's also what makes me mad is that these fears are fucking retarded!

12-09-2012, 04:10 AM
I do go to a therapist! And that's also what makes me mad is that these fears are fucking retarded!

Retarded indeed! you gotta laugh though... lol

I'm wondering what kinda life you lead for these thoughts to be present. Are you single? live alone? have any hobbies? do you work? do you socialise?

Spill the beans... I want to know everything about you so that maybe there'll be in clue as to why you think the way you do!

12-09-2012, 12:10 PM
Retarded indeed! you gotta laugh though... lol

I'm wondering what kinda life you lead for these thoughts to be present. Are you single? live alone? have any hobbies? do you work? do you socialise?

Spill the beans... I want to know everything about you so that maybe there'll be in clue as to why you think the way you do!

There's nothing wrong! I'm 14, single and all I do is skateboard and play video games. That's basically my life other than school!

12-09-2012, 12:10 PM
These thoughts just randomly pop in to my head!