View Full Version : reliefff!

12-06-2012, 09:57 PM
Hi guys, so after having some pretty horrible anxiety, panic attacks, depersonalization to where it felt like I was walking on almost a trampoline 24/7 and not even feeling like I was in my body half the time, all of this for over a year, i've finally found some relief in myself. Also, I have started online classes in psychology (anxiety inspired), and that has helped alot too. I found just learning as much as you can, and by accepting the nasty sensations and feelings, no avoiding, accepting, and also replacing all the negative thoughts and "2nd fears", I have recovered tremendously. I'd be more than happy to help anyone if they have any questions on what helped me with certain symptoms, and if I don't know i'll definatly try and find it out, because in all honestly I love helping people, especially now that i've experienced something that thousands of people do every single day, and I always told myself if I ever got even a little bit better, i'd come back to this forum and help as many people as I can. And also, if anyone else has found relief or recovered, i'd love for you to share your story on here! Thanks guys, i'm here if anyone needs anything at all, or if you just need someone to talk to.

12-06-2012, 10:19 PM
Yes how did you over come the not feeling like you were in your body thing? that happens with me at times and it freaks me out because its beyond just spacing out its like something actually shuts off and your not there anymore scary

12-06-2012, 10:26 PM
Honestly I came across this guy on a youtube video one night when I was in the midst of one of my bad spells, i'm not sure if you know but its called depersonalization/denaturalization. It can be a symptom of anxiety or just a symptom of tramatic events that has happened, it's basically your minds way of saying i've had enough and just kind of shutting down to reality. It's not dangerous at all, just can be really scary at times. But anyway back to the video, he basically said he beat his by just living in the here and now, to elaborate I kind of took that as not worrying about the past or future so much, DP/DR is brought on by obsessive thoughts and gradually starts, also you can't fight it, by trying to avoid it and ignore it it just fuels the fire so to speak, you have to accept it and decide from litterally the depths of your inner self that you will get over it and it will pass. Also I became alot more of a positive person, overall, whether it was anxiety related or just about life and other people in general. Oh and one more thing, meditation is absolutely amazing. It can be kind of weird at first, but I found an app on my iphone called iCan, Anxiety relief. He walks you through a self hypnosis that eventually you can branch off and just do by yourself. That helped me alot especially at night when I couldnt sleep my DP was so bad. Anyways I hope I helped!

12-06-2012, 11:46 PM
Hey :) I know I can beat this anxiety and panic because I have before. The problem is this time I want to do it without medicine. I can feel fine, no anxiety what so ever, then all of a sudden the sensations come out of no where. This will happen in places where I should feel safe. I feel like my heart beats so fast and hard that it will stop. I am most afraid of having a seizure...even though I have never had one before. My mom suffered from anxiety and passed away at the age of 48 last year unexpectedly in her sleep. I'm terrified the same will happen to me. Please help! Any advice is greatly appreciated

12-07-2012, 01:01 AM
Can you explain what you mean more by "recovering"? When you said this what came to my mind was that your symptoms and feelings were disappearing, but at the same time you said you had to accept the nasty feelings, meaning that you still have them?

12-07-2012, 12:21 PM
What I meant by recovering and acceptance is really just when you learn to accept what's happening and not judge it your mind kind of learns to accept it as well just as you used to before your nervous system went into kind of a frenzy, yes I still have little episodes every now and then but i've noticed my minds reaction to these have completely changed, it's almost like my mind says really, you're trying this again right now? lol A year ago I was laying in bed thinking I was going to die at any minute almost every single day, I couldn't go out with my family or my girlfriend without thinking I was going to pass out or something horrible was about to happen and having extreme dizzy spells. But now, I can go out and enjoy myself again, i've "recovered" enough to where I can actually function again, which to me, progress is recovery no matter how you look at it. I always just tell myself this on top of everything else I said, I once was able to function normally without any of this, so what's stopping me from getting back to that way? Your mind is so powerful it amazes me, which is what has inspired me to go into the field of psychology. I just want everyone to remember that it IS possible to find some relief, but it relies within yourself, not anyone else whatsoever, sure they may help for the time being, but it's only temporary, until you change your thought patterns and reactions to the panic attacks or whatever the symptoms that you fear most, it's only going to keep controlling you.

12-07-2012, 12:27 PM
Hey :) I know I can beat this anxiety and panic because I have before. The problem is this time I want to do it without medicine. I can feel fine, no anxiety what so ever, then all of a sudden the sensations come out of no where. This will happen in places where I should feel safe. I feel like my heart beats so fast and hard that it will stop. I am most afraid of having a seizure...even though I have never had one before. My mom suffered from anxiety and passed away at the age of 48 last year unexpectedly in her sleep. I'm terrified the same will happen to me. Please help! Any advice is greatly appreciated

Hey we had that conversation last night about the shakes lol but I was in your shoes earlier this year, I quit taking my SSRI (Paxil) and decided I could beat this without medicine and I did not want to rely on it for the rest of my life. It was really hard at first, just due to the relapse my mind was having without the medicine helping it out. But I want to go back to your thoughts, that's what causes the panic attacks and such when you usually should feel safe. Obsessive and irrational thoughts (like having a seizure) are what brings these attacks along. You have to learn how to eliminate those and replace them with positive things. Also your mom passing away is probably also adding a lot of stress and worry on top of everything else. I respect people like you, you've been through so much and you still are standing on your feet. It really makes me step back and wonder why the heck I was whining and complaining about my anxiety when all these other people have every right to. Going through all that can only make you stronger though, and I promise you can get through this, medicine only masks symptoms, when you learn to control it without medication that's when you find that true inner peace, and trust me you can do it!

12-07-2012, 11:11 PM
Thank you. This post made me realize there is hope for the future. I might even get some sleep tonight :)

12-08-2012, 01:00 AM
There is always, ALWAYS, hope. This battle is to gain control the mind. It isn't easy at all, and could take a long time to defeat, but if you have hope and never give up, not even when it has you crying in a corner begging for death, you will win :] and you will have defeated an enemy that most people can't even imagine. The worlds strongest and most powerful man could succumb to the terrifying power of anxiety, and the worlds most frail string bean could conquer it.

There are many many many people who have beaten anxiety and are normal again, I being one of them; Do not give up :]