View Full Version : Healing like no other...

04-30-2007, 03:15 PM
Every member of my family love using Essential Oils for it really providers us a healing like no other medications do…As for me it really helped me a lot regarding my everyday living…I was so stressed every day that every time I came home after work, I just haven’t got time for myself that I sometimes forgot to eat…I was so unhealthy in that case of mine...But when I found out that essential oils can help me on this case of mine, I was so amaze with what it done to me. It helped me good.

Have you experienced this? Can you tell me you’re Experience?

05-06-2007, 08:35 PM
I find a bubble bath with a product that includes vanilla and sage helps me relax a lot.

A nice warm bath with some type of relaxing bubble bath mix is great.