View Full Version : new & In Need of Help -- ASAP

12-06-2012, 06:24 PM
Hi, everyone. I'm new and in need of some help. Especially since I can't get into my doctor until after Christmas.

A little background info. I've suffered from Post Traumatic Stress for about 15 years. I was in a tornado when I was younger, and it triggered my PTSD and anxiety. This past year has been the worst. I think it's triggered by hormones monthly, if you know what I mean. I tend to get a little more emotional then. It started in May right after I sprained my ankle. I needed something to fix on, so I fixed on my ankle and worrying about it not healing right. A few months later, it was my wisdom tooth, and something going wrong with the surgery. Now, I had to write a paper on the December 21st, 2012 theories. Of course, I think they're silly. Being a Christian, I haven't given them a second thought. But when researching, I saw the topic of Nuclear War and a WW3. Now, I'm terrified. Even about December 21st. Every time I hear something about Iran or something, I freak out. I know people have been saying this for years and years, but I'm scared. I have no idea why. I haven't been able to sleep, I haven't been functioning right, and it's been a constant all the time depression, feeling like something bad will happen and I might die. Not suicidal, just bad thoughts like something bad will happen.

How can I overcome this? It's ruining my life, and my Christmas season. I can't experience anything normally because of this fear. If anyone's wondering, I'm only 21, so I should NOT be living in fear like this. I'm way too young to be too scared and depressed to go out and do anything.

12-06-2012, 06:48 PM
Are there any activities that you can do to take your mind off things? Sometimes distraction can be very beneficial. I wouldn't suggest taking on the feelings head-on, as you are unable to see your doctor for some time. Can you try progressive relaxation exercises (on YouTube or iPhone apps)? If you can learn to calm yourself in relative peace, then you can use it in stressful situations, but that might be too intense for your overwhelming thoughts and feelings. Take care of yourself by having enough sleep, a bubble bath, hot tea or cocoa, etc. I wish you luck.

12-06-2012, 10:57 PM
I am also 21, and used to feel the same way. I still go through little spells every now and then, but whats really helped me alot is just accepting it when they try and ruin what I wanna do. Don't try and avoid it, just accept it. It can be hard starting out, and may even feel like it's not doing any good, but after a while you will notice a dramatic decrease in symptoms and your thought patterns. Also when these thoughts come along, stop them, recognize it as just anxious thoughts, and replace them with the more probable outcome and positive thoughts. I also agree with sunnie, myself I do self hypnosis when i'm having a really difficult day or night, it helps tremendously, also I love to draw and skate, both take my mind off of everything a lot. My anxiety's pretty much diminished, thanks to me, not anyone else, and you can do it too. Don't lose hope, we're all in this together and I hope you get to feeling better soon!