View Full Version : Caffine or soda giving me problem?

12-06-2012, 12:35 PM
Before I had this anxiety issue I drank sodas, Starbucks and rockstars pretty regularly now it feels like I can't get thru half a 16oz can of soda with out starting to feel anxiety come on. Also at night I sleep with my girlfriend and I get extremely hot and idk why. But sometimes I get so hot I can't sleep. Is it my medicine?

12-06-2012, 01:01 PM
I'm not a doctor so I can't say if it's your meds, but I experience a surge is temperature when I get anxious, so much so that I have to take off clothes and stand in front of a fan to cool down. As for the caffeine, it pumps up your system by releasing adrenalin, so it's really easy for that to contribute to feelings of anxiety. You may want to switch to water or herbal teas.

12-06-2012, 01:24 PM
Well I still drink quite a bit of water but I think it's just that I like the carbonation. I wish I new of a decent carbonated soda or something with no caffeine. (Other than sprite) and yeah I was just curious if anyone has had some way to help with the heating up factor cause it get so unbearable at night

12-06-2012, 03:41 PM
I was a super heavy caffeine consumer when I had anxiety. I quit for the greater good. But I love the taste of coke. So I switched to caffeine free coca cola. Same taste pretty much. :]

Also, I get the same as you, I get super hot at night. When I was dating, a lot of my girlfriends loved the fact that I was warm because they were all freeze babies, so they'd cling to me at night, but I'd be roasting so it'd be super uncomfortable. Once she would fall asleep on me, I would gently move her over and just sleep on my side with the covers off. Sometimes I'd even have to soak my feet in cold water for a bit to cool down. So happy I'm single these days :D

Free as a bird, and I can sleep spread out like a snowangel if I want to, with the WINDOWS OPEN, in the WINTER :DDDD Frozen bed ftw.

12-06-2012, 07:23 PM
I was a super heavy caffeine consumer when I had anxiety. I quit for the greater good. But I love the taste of coke. So I switched to caffeine free coca cola. Same taste pretty much. :]

Also, I get the same as you, I get super hot at night. When I was dating, a lot of my girlfriends loved the fact that I was warm because they were all freeze babies, so they'd cling to me at night, but I'd be roasting so it'd be super uncomfortable. Once she would fall asleep on me, I would gently move her over and just sleep on my side with the covers off. Sometimes I'd even have to soak my feet in cold water for a bit to cool down. So happy I'm single these days :D

Free as a bird, and I can sleep spread out like a snowangel if I want to, with the WINDOWS OPEN, in the WINTER :DDDD Frozen bed ftw.

Wow they actually have caffeine free coke? I thought sprite was the only one!

12-09-2012, 05:45 PM
A few years ago I lived on energy shots, coffee and soda. (I was a 911 dispatcher). Heck in college, my breakfast would a 44oz Mountain Dew! Oddly enough, I didn't seem to have any problems. When I started to notice my Xanax was no longer taking care of it, I started to look at things in my life that may contribute to it. I have found that I just can't give up on soda. I love diet pepsi. At first caffeine free tasted funny to me, but the more I drank it, the better it got. I still love my coffee, and when I am out I will order decaf. At home we drink the 1/2 and 1/2 stuff.

Some days I think the lower caffeine helps and others not so much. But at least its worth a try!

12-09-2012, 05:47 PM
I experience a surge is temperature when I get anxious, so much so that I have to take off clothes and stand in front of a fan to cool down

What... even at work?

KINKY! :-)

12-09-2012, 05:51 PM
I can't vouch for caffeine being a major player where anxiety's concerned - because it doesn't seem to make much difference to me.

However, during my worst, I did switch to decaf tea - clutching at straws more than anything.

From what I've read, caffeine does seem to affect some people quite significantly so it's worth experimenting with.

Anxiety aside; soda drinks aren't good for you anyway. You'd be better off without them whatever.

12-10-2012, 12:00 AM
Caffeine doesn't affect me either. I could probly drink red bull all day and still sleep. I'm a "freeze baby" too haha

12-10-2012, 06:48 AM
Caffeine doesn't affect me either. I could probly drink red bull all day and still sleep. I'm a "freeze baby" too haha

Yeah, before i had anxiety, this was my case. I drank like 10-14 cups of coffee and maybe 2-4 cans of redbull not to mention the coke drinks, sleepless nights, sleepy mornings when i have to start my day, naps in between. then boom anxiety baby is here to knock me right out of my senses.