View Full Version : A Friend's Anxiety

04-30-2007, 03:09 PM
For people who feel this unpleasant Anxiety, for this emotional state that involves a complex combination of emotion that includes fear, apprehension, and worry are really a pain that a person can carry all the time.

In my high school days, a friend of mine experience this kind of situation...And she’s been asking me for any medications for it...But for me, I will never take any medication for it, coz depending on it is not good...Id rather go for alternatives medicines, for they are all natural, came from the extracts of plants.

05-12-2007, 12:25 PM
Some people need meds to level out enough to be able to learn the coping skills to help themselves but they certainly can be a crutch and hurt your long term progress if you let yourself become reliant on them. I was in a cbt group and it has helped me immensely and got me off meds. Join a cbt group or read some books on cbt. One of the ones we used in my group has a really good introduction to the whole process, it's called Been there, done that? do this! by sam obitz. The tea form exercise in that book has helped me a ton and I still do them all the time when I get upset or anxious. Cbt can be a long term answer to anxiety and depression problems if you are willing to invest the time to help yourself.