View Full Version : Social anxiety and ocd - ready for fatherhood?

12-06-2012, 10:46 AM
My soon to be husband and I have been together for 5 years. He is 29 and i am 26, and he is the one with anxiety and ocd.
We have had an adventure trying to overcome the fear of opening Mail, answering the phone, getting a job and going to the store. There has also been problems with counting, doing things two times and other rituals of getting out the door.
The last couple of years has been really good, ocd is almost completly gone, and we can go out in the weekends and he can take difficult phonecalls without any problems.
I am really proud of him.
Now, to the question; babies. I want one, he wants one, but he has alot of fears and doomthoughts around having one. I have searched the Internett to see if anyone has been in the same situation, but i was without any luck. I want to help him overcome this as Well, but i do not know where to start or how to continiue, so if anyone here has any advise, please share.

We Are still young and have plenty of time, so no quickfix required.

Thank you for your time and answers. : )

12-06-2012, 11:23 AM
It sounds like you have both done a lot of hard work! Good for you! I'm wondering if maybe seeing a therapist would be beneficial at this point, to help iron out as many bumps as possible before you have the baby. Things might pop up from time to time after you have one, and a good relationship with a competent therapist seems like a good investment to me.