View Full Version : What is hyperventilation ?

12-06-2012, 07:09 AM
When somebody hyperventiliates can the CO2 level go higher than the O2 level ?

12-06-2012, 07:39 AM
I'm not a doctor, but my understanding of hyperventilating is that you stuff your lungs full of air, and then don't exhale it all, so you feel like you can't breathe, but in truth, you just need to exhale. I don't know about CO2 levels vs O2 levels, but if I understand you, you're asking if it can do damage. I don't think so. You can avoid passing out if you just exhale. Hope this helps.

12-06-2012, 07:47 AM
I'm not a doctor, but my understanding of hyperventilating is that you stuff your lungs full of air, and then don't exhale it all, so you feel like you can't breathe, but in truth, you just need to exhale. I don't know about CO2 levels vs O2 levels, but if I understand you, you're asking if it can do damage. I don't think so. You can avoid passing out if you just exhale. Hope this helps.

Hi thanks for you reply
I was just wondering, during a anxiety attack my oxygen level seems to down quite a lot then straight back up! I didn't know you could lose oxygen during hyperventilation.. are oxygen levels and carbon dioxide levels balanced?

On my oximeter it shows my oxygen dropping during an attack, but it could just be carbon dioxide (as that's what is supposed to happen during hyperventilation, you apparently lose carbon dioxide not oxygen i'm just a bit worried this has happened on every attack!

I even considered that it could be a asthma attack and not an anxiety attack, but I have recently had asthma and everything cam back normal. I'm just getting a bit scared as to why I am losing oxygen during an attack....
Just being anxious again lol

12-06-2012, 08:00 AM
Hi thanks for you reply

On my oximeter it shows my oxygen dropping during an attack, but it could just be carbon dioxide (as that's what is supposed to happen during hyperventilation, you apparently lose carbon dioxide not oxygen

My guess is that because you need to exhale because the oxygen exchange has already happened in the lungs, and you don't, your lungs become stuffed with CO2. You just need to exhale that all, and then your sats will be normal again. Again, just my best guess.

12-06-2012, 08:02 AM
Do you think it is life threatening or anything or just a part of anxiety?
thanks for your help again its made me feel a bit better :) yes when it goes down it doesnt stay down for long, it goes back up to 99% at the end of the attack!

12-06-2012, 08:52 AM
I don't think it's life threatening, but it can cause you to pass out because you're not getting enough oxygen. Once you pass out, your breathing returns to normal, and so does your oxygen level.