View Full Version : Anyone else have borderline personality disorder?

12-05-2012, 09:17 PM
Anyone else have borderline personality disorder? recently diagnosed and need help or someone who also has it.

12-05-2012, 09:29 PM
I have it, and so does my wife. What are your concerns?

12-05-2012, 10:31 PM
well i really feel ashamed about it. my family is not supportive of my mental illness. anxiety, depression, PTSD... more and more. i am afraid to tell them about being borderline. they judge me enough already and i dont need them poking at me and stuff. i just dont know what to do about it.

12-06-2012, 07:47 AM
If you're asking my opinion/advice, I would not tell them. I tell very few people that I have Borderline because of all the negative stereotypes. If they're already unsupportive of something so well known and well publicized (PTSD and depression), then they will most likely be very judgmental of the Borderline diagnosis. I'm sorry that the people who are supposed to support you are failing you. My family told me that I was making up my symptoms of Fibromyalgia to get out of work and school. Up until then, I was a full-time student, in the honors program, and working 2-3 jobs. I was not a lazy person. But that didn't stop them. I hope that you have some friends that you can confide in.