View Full Version : Stop spending your time on this forum

12-05-2012, 07:53 PM
Hi guys.. No disrespect on this forum, but i think you all have to stop spending your life reading about anxiety.. It does not help.. You have to start thinking abt other stuff, i know it wont be easy but it works.. A month ago i lost my grandma, she was more than a mother for me, she raised me since my mom passed away when i was little, i had to fly back home ( 12hrs flight) all by myself, no money in my pocket.. and a broken heart..Broke up with my bf all in the same week : ((((( lost my job..etc... It was a horrifying experience.. I soo wanna erase it from my memory.. I was having 5 different PA all after each other : (( but here i am today ( a month after) a stronger person, anxiety and PA free.. With a new job and a better person.. I tried to forget abt my PA days, bf and all that i went through ....... by working hard and staying away from
This forums.. We all can do it.. If i did it after all i went through trust me you could do it too... Xoxo

12-05-2012, 08:03 PM
This is good advice!

People should go on this forum and learn the tools needed to overcome they anxiety disorder. Then use those tools and get healed! Of course everyone needs some comfort and a helping hand sometimes and they should use this forum for that too. But what I see is not a lot of people really taking action on their healing. I see people come here to express the misery and have others say they are ok so don;t worry, and then it keeps going ad infinitum. I don't see enough people hell bent on getting better, just making it through the day instead. This doesn't help when doctors give medication that offers no long term cure and many do not know how to properly treat anxiety.

So yeah you are right. Create a good life rather than dwelling on the problems. Come here at first and learn the tools and get the answers and reassurance you need, then work towards eventually put anxiety behind you like an ex girlfriend from long ago you almost forgot about.

12-05-2012, 08:14 PM
I understand your advice about going out and doing stuff but for a lot of people (including me) this forum is an outlet. A lot of people don't understand anxiety until they actually have it. This forum is a way for people to find advice and information from people we can relate to. For some it's a place to vent. It has helped me more to talk to people on here than it has to try to talk to my friends that don't truly understand.

12-05-2012, 08:14 PM
I think I understand what you're trying to say, that it's important to move on and not dwell on negativity. But I don't think you should discount the positive effects of sharing feelings and experiences. Not everyone has a support structure at home, this site allows people to share advice on how to deal with depression and anxiety. I'm glad that you have gotten better, everyone deserves the chance to, whatever way works for them.

12-05-2012, 08:17 PM
I'm glad you're feeling better. The thing about anxiety, depression, and a whole host of other mental health ailments, is that there is no 1 answer for everyone. If there was, none of us would have anxiety anymore. I think it's good to have this forum for support. If you don't need it, that's fine, but I'm worried about scaring others away from what could be a great resource. There has also been talk about meds versus natural remedies. Once again, different methods for different people, and no one shuld be discouraged from looking for healthy ways to curb their anxiety. We are all here to support each other.

12-05-2012, 08:27 PM
I understand your advice about going out and doing stuff but for a lot of people (including me) this forum is an outlet. A lot of people don't understand anxiety until they actually have it. This forum is a way for people to find advice and information from people we can relate to. For some it's a place to vent. It has helped me more to talk to people on here than it has to try to talk to my friends that don't truly understand.

I had anxiety for 12 yrs.. I understand anxiety and what your going through 100%... Let me ask you something.. Since you joined this forum.. Do u see an improvement, and im not talking abt hrs anxiety free, im talking abt days, weeks, months anxiety free.. And how can u expect to feel better if all you do is read and write abt anxiety.. It has become a priority.. Try it honey and im pretty sure we're going to read a success story from you very soon : )

12-05-2012, 08:35 PM

12-05-2012, 08:36 PM
I stay because I like the community :]
EVeryone here is awesome.
I also stay to help others as best I can. It's true though, you can't just sit here all day reading. But I have to admit, during my worst attacks, coming on this forum to seek help is what helped it the most.

12-05-2012, 08:40 PM
I think I understand what you're trying to say, that it's important to move on and not dwell on negativity. But I don't think you should discount the positive effects of sharing feelings and experiences. Not everyone has a support structure at home, this site allows people to share advice on how to deal with depression and anxiety. I'm glad that you have gotten better, everyone deserves the chance to, whatever way works for them.

Hii there.. I had absolutely no support at home.. My bf was my only family.. When he found out abt this "illness" he broke up with me...

12-05-2012, 08:43 PM
I stay because I like the community :]
EVeryone here is awesome.
I also stay to help others as best I can. It's true though, you can't just sit here all day reading. But I have to admit, during my worst attacks, coming on this forum to seek help is what helped it the most.

I agree with you.. Everybody here is great, and im thankful i got allot of useful tips from you guys.. But my point is we need to get away from this circle.. Its not helpful ones whe learn what we have to

12-05-2012, 09:21 PM
And my point is that I disagree with you wholeheartedly.

12-05-2012, 09:25 PM
And my point is that I disagree with you wholeheartedly.

How can u disagree on something u never tried?!

12-05-2012, 09:32 PM
Do you like the taste of shit? How do you know if you've never tried? And thanks for making assumptions about me and my progress on or off this forum, you didn't ask, so I see no need to tell.

12-05-2012, 09:39 PM
I know cuz other ppl did.. And told me not to try it.... And guess what i did??!?!! I listen them : )) and btw im sorry if i sounded rude or anything im really trying to help.. Dont take it personally

12-05-2012, 09:52 PM
Not everyone have the same way of recovering, at the end of the day its not about anything or everything, its about you. Recovering doesnt depend on being on a forum or whatever it might be, its just you. With this im just gonna assume you do not have health issues that might bring on anxiety. You dont choose to have anxiety, but you can choose to let it pass and be happy. This forum has done so much to help me. And i am here not because i feel the need to, but because i want to.


12-05-2012, 11:55 PM
People deal with things in all different ways. I see nothing wrong with hearing about how one person deals with anxiety, another deals with grief. Things you read can just be put in your toolbox of coping techniques.
And ummm... Gotta add this, by why did you come to this forum, just to tell people not to come here? Sounds a tad bit contradictory. I dunno.

12-06-2012, 12:09 AM
One positive I suppose of the forum is that I have realised there are plenty of people who have it way worse than me which helps put my issues in perspective and not seem as bad. do you know what I am saying? If you're concerned about physical health effects from anxiety, for God's sake don't start reading about various diseases, procedures, horrible injuries etc as that definately makes the shit worse, do you know what I am saying?

12-06-2012, 12:31 AM
I'm glad you're feeling better. The thing about anxiety, depression, and a whole host of other mental health ailments, is that there is no 1 answer for everyone.

I disagree with this and you can label me what you want! But I believe that there is only 1 way to cure anxiety and if everyone just followed my plan there is no way they could possible continue to have anxiety any longer, as long as there isn't some true physical problem. Its like there is a list of 30 things you can do to cure anxiety. You can be cured by doing 1 and some will need all 30. But the cause and cure for anxiety will remain the same pathways. Meds do not and cannot cure you. Once you get off the meds your anxiety is not any better, UNLESS you did the work while being on the meds which is what they should be used for. Not like now to tell you to take the pills and good luck.

Seriously, just follow what I did and as long as you do not have a true physical problem, you will not have anxiety anymore. But I really did base what I did on the Claire Weekes, Linden Method, Panic Puzzle, and others, and what I know about breathing techniques, herbs and supplements and even medication.

I know many of you will be angry and yell at me so I am expecting it.

Remember- Anxiety is not rocket science!

I feel for all of you that have it. If I can hug you all right now I would. But there is a way out. Just keep moving forward with strong determination to reach your goal of anxiety free.

12-06-2012, 02:22 AM
This forum has been an absolute staple in my horrific battle with anxiety this last month or so.

Even at this moment, I am experiencing a horrible bout of anxiety that started about 5 hours ago. I am unable to sleep, watch movies, or do much else right now but be here.

This forum helps me feel safe and realize I am not alone. No one in my life understands what I am going through and I feel completely alone. The only people that understand are here.

I'm afraid I had to disagree with you wholeheartedly.

12-06-2012, 02:30 AM
Most people join here and ask lots of questions about pains and symptoms because they scared. When people start to understand anxiety and how much of a physical effect it can have then people start to change their tone. With the right help and approach to tackling anxiety you start to see people stop asking questions and instead start helping others answer the questions they used to ask.

The community here is nice and the people are very friendly. I must admit I come back here less now i've taken a hold of anxiety and accepted it. Of course it still comes back every now and then but the more emotion and worry you dedicate to it, the more it'll stick around to bite you in the ass.


12-06-2012, 02:40 AM
I do agree to this post, but a lot of anxiety sufferes need to seek advice and reassurance off other people on this forum this makes them feel better! I come on here when I'm anxious asking all sorts of questions. People will probably be sick of me but anxiety sufferers seek reassurance all the time and I think this is a great way for all us to chat together! However, people do need to calm down and stop going on here as much because for some people it could make them worse, and their sat dwelling over it (this is me)! So for some people its a great help!

12-06-2012, 02:45 AM
Probably good if people read the huge long list of anxiety symptoms and realize that this could simply be the tip of the iceberg. What my therapist said to me before I finished CBT was quite helpful.

If you have a pain, and it comes and goes, distraction helps get rid of it, or it changes location in your body constantly. The liklihood of it being an actual illness and not something conjured up by anxiety are very slim.

The first step and by far the hardest is admitting that it's anxiety. This could take a long time, some people get so entrenched in the view it's something hidden, something doctors haven't found. But we don't have 5+ years of medical learning under our belts.

The more days and weeks you get through with these pains and nothing happens, the more you should start to tie together the symptoms the worries and follow it back to the cause - anxiety.


12-06-2012, 05:23 AM
There are two sides to this coin:

The information provided has been an invaluable learning tool.
One can vent.
One can make friends, online or even for real.
It can be fun!


Staying here MAY be keeping various people in the loop of anxiety.
We want to forget anxiety / leave it behind... but continuing to read about the problems it causes us may be contributing to keeping it alive in ourselves.
It could be dangerous to follow medication and / or supplement advice - particularly when NOT checked by a medical professional.
I imagine that for the depressed and hopeless - reading other depressing and hopeless posts may not do them a lot of good.

Stay vigilent, open-minded & sensible. Do not treat the advice as guaranteed. Do your own research.

12-06-2012, 06:07 AM

Hii there.. I had absolutely no support at home.. My bf was my only family.. When he found out abt this "illness" he broke up with me...

I'm sorry to hear that, no one deserves that kind of treatment. But if you had no support why are you denying the support of this site?

And why did you put the word illness in quotation marks? Do you not believe that anxiety is a medical disease? I'm not going to discount cognitive behavioral therapy, I believe that if you can change your thinking you can change your life, but I also happen to believe in the biological approach. My panic attacks cause me physical symptoms, why wouldn't I take medication for them?

I'm sorry but that hit a sore spot of mine. I spent a lot of years being ashamed about my illness, and I know I'm not alone on this one. There should be no shame.

12-06-2012, 06:14 AM
I'm technologically illiterate, I don't how that all ended up in the bubble.

12-06-2012, 06:31 AM
It's not an illness, it's a disorder.. Big difference.. And im not denying the help that u guys gave me..what im trying to say is.. Being here and reading abt anxiety, does not always help.. Being here like i used to 24/7 didnt cure me.. Staying out of this circle did

12-06-2012, 06:44 AM
I stand corrected. Why then did you not write "when he found out about my disorder"?

12-06-2012, 06:47 AM
I'm sorry, I'm being arguementative and I don't want to be. I'm going to stop now.

12-06-2012, 06:56 AM
Im surprised u guys dont look at the key here but pay attention to small unnecessary details.

12-06-2012, 06:58 AM
I stand corrected. Why then did you not write "when he found out about my disorder"?

Because i was being sarcastic.. He thought it was an illness and thats y he broke up with me..

12-06-2012, 07:13 AM
How can u disagree on something u never tried?!

So you quote me directly, you use the word "you", and then you tell me not to take things personally. Interesting. And you're not being helpful. You're trying to dissuade people from reaching out for the help that they need.

12-06-2012, 07:14 AM
I had anxiety for 12 yrs.. I understand anxiety and what your going through 100%... Let me ask you something.. Since you joined this forum.. Do u see an improvement, and im not talking abt hrs anxiety free, im talking abt days, weeks, months anxiety free.. And how can u expect to feel better if all you do is read and write abt anxiety.. It has become a priority.. Try it honey and im pretty sure we're going to read a success story from you very soon : )

I haven't been a member even a month so I cant answer that question. I can say that after a few days I stopped having panic attacks every day. Good advice but not for everyone. Just because something works for one person, doesn't mean it will work for everyone.

12-06-2012, 07:51 AM
I haven't been a member even a month so I cant answer that question. I can say that after a few days I stopped having panic attacks every day. Good advice but not for everyone. Just because something works for one person, doesn't mean it will work for everyone.

Anxiety is all the same for everyone.. Just like any other disorder or illness.. People might experience it in allot different ways depends on the way you respond to it..

12-06-2012, 09:05 AM
I understand your advice about going out and doing stuff but for a lot of people (including me) this forum is an outlet. A lot of people don't understand anxiety until they actually have it. This forum is a way for people to find advice and information from people we can relate to. For some it's a place to vent. It has helped me more to talk to people on here than it has to try to talk to my friends that don't truly understand.

I think we come here for support we know what each other is going through... We care that's why I'm here

12-06-2012, 09:11 AM
Hi guys.. No disrespect on this forum, but i think you all have to stop spending your life reading about anxiety.. It does not help.. You have to start thinking abt other stuff, i know it wont be easy but it works.. A month ago i lost my grandma, she was more than a mother for me, she raised me since my mom passed away when i was little, i had to fly back home ( 12hrs flight) all by myself, no money in my pocket.. and a broken heart..Broke up with my bf all in the same week : ((((( lost my job..etc... It was a horrifying experience.. I soo wanna erase it from my memory.. I was having 5 different PA all after each other : (( but here i am today ( a month after) a stronger person, anxiety and PA free.. With a new job and a better person.. I tried to forget abt my PA days, bf and all that i went through ....... by working hard and staying away from
This forums.. We all can do it.. If i did it after all i went through trust me you could do it too... Xoxo

I'm glad to see you have helped your self. But I have found this forum very helpful at my young age. I would hate to see anyone else lose out on a helpful experience because it will truly give you multiple answers instead of just a this or that answer from a doc.'

12-06-2012, 10:13 AM
I'm glad to see you have helped your self. But I have found this forum very helpful at my young age. I would hate to see anyone else lose out on a helpful experience because it will truly give you multiple answers instead of just a this or that answer from a doc.'

Dont get me wrong.. This forum is very helpful only when you need it.. But its very addictive and we keep staying on the sane circle for yrs

12-06-2012, 10:14 AM
So you quote me directly, you use the word "you", and then you tell me not to take things personally. Interesting. And you're not being helpful. You're trying to dissuade people from reaching out for the help that they need.

You really need to understand whats the point of my post..

12-06-2012, 10:22 AM
Here's another thought...

Stop spending time on a forum arguing about stopping spending time on a forum.


12-06-2012, 10:24 AM
Here's another thought...

Stop spending time on a forum arguing about stopping spending time on a forum.


Thats actually e good point.. Its worthless

12-06-2012, 12:23 PM
Here's another thought...

Stop spending time on a forum arguing about stopping spending time on a forum.


Agreed, if you say your leaving the forum then do it. Don't sit here an argue

12-06-2012, 01:25 PM
Agreed, if you say your leaving the forum then do it. Don't sit here an argue

Thers nothing wrong abt sharing your own experience., especially if it helps

12-06-2012, 01:53 PM
Thers nothing wrong abt sharing your own experience., especially if it helps

Your right their is nothing wrong with it. It's just unneasicary to sit here and argue with someone who doesn't agree 100% with you. I just don't understand I guess😓

12-06-2012, 04:54 PM
Here's another thought...

Stop spending time on a forum arguing about stopping spending time on a forum.


Agreed. Getting redundant.

12-06-2012, 07:20 PM
Hey all you guys are missing the point here. He was trying to say that you should move forward instead of dwelling on your misery. Instead of spending all day on the forum, go and create new habits and new neural pathways in your brain by trying to live like a normal person. I totally understand what he meant. Of course this forum has use. It's obvious, but the original message here you should consider. I am always complaining how many people on this forum just spin their wheels by not taking action. The ones who have the will to get better, will get better!

Forwells, everyone can be cured of anxiety as long as there is no real physical problem, It's all the same for the most part. The exact fear or the exact cause is different, but that is just a detail. Someone is scared of driving another flying another crowds, another all of them. That is a detail. The main path is the same and I believe nobody would have anxiety if they jut followed what I laid out here. Nobody who does all the stuff I talk about would be like, "Well, I did everything you said for 6 months and nothing is better." I just don't think its possible.

12-06-2012, 07:34 PM
How about those who come to this forum to help and give advice to others....to share what has worked for them to overcome certain anxieties? I see many people who are here daily, giving of their time,trying to help those who are really struggling. I think if everyone left once they got a handle on their anxiety, this forum would be a very different and lonely place.

I am doing much better now then when I first joined this forum, but as many of us know, anxiety disorders are not something that can ever completely be cured..well, that's my opinion anyway.... I feel that it is something ongoing that you have to work on controlling on a daily basis. This forum is very helpful, just being able to vent freely and to know that people here will understand and honestly try to help.
Hey, do what works for you!!!!

12-06-2012, 07:44 PM
Yes of course. But I think the benefits of this forum are obvious. I don't believe he was saying this place is useless. I think he was making a point to help you. Saying don't dwell on anxiety and just have a pity party, move forward and try and put it behind you. Go out and conquer your fears and try little by little to overcome it. I get what he meant.

There are some people here who take action and some who just want a pity party.

12-06-2012, 09:09 PM
No fellow sufferer should dictate how another person should deal with their own issues. I've only just found this place and am glad to find a place where people understand my plight. A place where I can discuss issues with other people and maybe find something that works for me personally. Everyone's journey is their own and individual to that person.

12-06-2012, 11:18 PM
I hate to break it to you bud, but this forum actually HELPED my anxiety. The more I read and learned the FACTS about anxiety, the more I knew what it was. It helped me so much because I wasn't afraid of symptoms. I knew what caused my panic attacks and I knew what the cause of my anxiety was all because of the people on this forum. My anxiety is now gone, and Every so often I stop by the forum to see how everyone is doing.

12-07-2012, 10:52 AM
Hey all you guys are missing the point here. He was trying to say that you should move forward instead of dwelling on your misery. Instead of spending all day on the forum, go and create new habits and new neural pathways in your brain by trying to live like a normal person. I totally understand what he meant. Of course this forum has use. It's obvious, but the original message here you should consider. I am always complaining how many people on this forum just spin their wheels by not taking action. The ones who have the will to get better, will get better!

Forwells, everyone can be cured of anxiety as long as there is no real physical problem, It's all the same for the most part. The exact fear or the exact cause is different, but that is just a detail. Someone is scared of driving another flying another crowds, another all of them. That is a detail. The main path is the same and I believe nobody would have anxiety if they jut followed what I laid out here. Nobody who does all the stuff I talk about would be like, "Well, I did everything you said for 6 months and nothing is better." I just don't think its possible.

Thank you!!