View Full Version : South Australian OCD sufferer.

12-05-2012, 04:20 PM

I just joined this group because I have an anxiety disorder,namely OCD.Had it for just over 6 years.In the last 5 years I finally could afford to get treated.I have chosen non medical practitioners for personal reasons.The best news is I've been making real progress.

The OCD affects me in various ways:
1)it stops me doing things at random.(doesnt that sound like a computer virus too?)
2)it makes me do things I shouldnt do.(there's that computer virus thing again.)
3)it prevents me saying somethings.

I have found that if I get people to do various things for me I can get round a problem.Then there are things I just can't do and it has to be left that way.For example,on the day this started in 2006 I could touch any food in the fridge/freezer.It was there until about 3 weeks ago when in a boost of progress we cleaned out the fridge/freezer of everything.Over the following days the fridge/freezer got a total clean out and now its so clean. Just for the record,if you mix up vinegar,bicarb of soda,vanilla essence,water and a little Selleys sugar soap liquid in a spray bottle then spray your empty fridge/freezer and leave it for 30 minutes,wipe it down and repeat the procedure if you need to.

One thing that has made a big difference almost from the start was that even though I wasnt big on eating apples I decided to start eating them.When you introduce them into your daily food intake you will notice that all forms of anxiety will benefit from the nutrients in apples,and,that included leaving the skin on.Wash them first,store them in your clean fridge in plastic bags so the fridge doesnt drain the moisture out of them.You can't gain weight eating apples.Just dont eat too many at once or you'll be on the toilet for awhile.The apples make your body feel cleaner on the inside too.

Well,thats a bit about me for now.

Did I mention I live in Adelaide?

12-05-2012, 06:57 PM
Hi . Welcome. I am glad you are doing better. Any other suggestions on foods that help with anxiety? I would love to stock up on them.