View Full Version : Skipped beats and panick at bed time.. Nooooo :(

12-05-2012, 04:04 PM
I was just sat in bed on my mobile, and I got this awful skipped beat which made me sit up and calm myself down, my heart wasn't racing before it happend but it sent me into an instant panick and I started to get short of breath (just like I had been jumped out on) so I was sat trying to calm myself down then my heart started going very fast because of the panick! Then I started to get mild stabbing pains and I trembled and shaked! I just got so scared because i'm up on my own and its all quite :(

Can these skipped beats just happen on their own without palps? Are they harmless AT ALL?

I turned my laptop on and came onto the forum for a bit of reassurance I just got very scared as I had nobody to speak to at the time and still quite anxious about it now I just thought I was going to die :(

12-05-2012, 04:10 PM
This is the exact thing that happens to me, I get really shaky and have to pace around to calm myself down, it's really horrible but it is anxiety hope you've calmed down a bit

12-05-2012, 04:14 PM
It was horrible, It felt like my heart stopped beating and then started again oh my god it was awful, Ive had them before and I know their just anxiety but when its all quiet in bed and i'm on my own it scares the crap out of me! I'm feeling a bit better but i'm still really panicky and shaken up!
I need to tell myself that it is normal instead of seeking reassurance but its so hard even though my recent 24 hour EGC results are fine I still think there is something drastically wrong with me! I'm 16 too!

12-05-2012, 04:21 PM
I get that way too, I can be totally fine and then bang palps hit and I freak out, I'm feeling a little anxious tonight actually my shoulders are really tense and I keep getting a little stabbing pain just above my left breast

12-05-2012, 04:27 PM
Yeah like I said I was sat relaxing on my phone then bamm it hit me, I got panicky straight away so I got short of breath and then my heart rate went up then straight back down when I calmed down, I'm still tense now and scared in case it does it again! Are these actual normal anxiety symptoms ?
I get the sore shoulders it's awful. I've had the stabbing pains in my chest near to the left of my breast today but I thought it has something to do with my periods. Are them also anxiety?
I have my good days, then bad :(

12-05-2012, 04:47 PM
Nicky Nockers!

99.9% of the time, palps + eptopic beats are a result of an overactive nervous system, and let's face facts - you're not exactly a relaxed person, are you.

You will NOT believe how close the relationship between wondering thoughts and heart rythm is (it's VERY close)

I'm betting my bottom dollar that while you were faffing about on your phone, there were a few thoughts spinning around in your head that were the cause of this episode.
Just the thought of being alone may have done it.

Bed time is one of the worst times for palps. It is a time of quiet / solitude & of course... time to THINK.

Best cure for this? DON'T sit doing stuff in bed... just go to sleep!

12-05-2012, 04:52 PM
I was going to personal message you actually!

Yes well all of the time thoughts are running through my head, I don't actually ever think they leave my head if i'm being honest with you, i'm such a over the top person I can never get my anxiety out of my head, its constantly on my mind!
Can a thought trigger the skipped beats or any heart motion? Or does it have to be triggered by something physical like palpitations?
I was just so scared at the time I didn't know what to do. Now i'm just left with heart burn :( I've calmed down 50% so hopefully i'll be able to get some sleep tonight lol but you know what i'm like don't you :(
Thanks so much (for the 5690845609734690'th time) XX

12-05-2012, 05:01 PM
It'll all pass in time deary. Once your nervous system has calmed down and the fright messages no longer emit about your body... they'll go.

I promise :-)

Here's a little bed-time story:

My mother was 41 when she had my sister. My father was 43 (1 year older than me now).
They hadn't planned this pregnancy - it was by all accounts, an accident.

This sent my father into a panic. He wasn't prepared for it and it hit quite hard.

During the months leading up to the birth... and for some time after, my Dad suffered SEVERE palps.
He describes them as bubbles bursting around his heart area (which WE more commonly know as "flutters")

On several occasions, he suffered these palps at his work and actually said to his colleagues "I'm going to die... I'm having a heart attack".
They laughed at him.

This was near 30 years ago. After he hit 44/45... he never had a palp again.

Just a phase poppet. They'll continue as long as the anxiety disorder prevails, but one day they'll go... never, or rarely to return.

12-05-2012, 05:07 PM
Lol thank you very much for that it's cheered me up big time :) I just think their dangerous and something is going to happen to me lol
Everything you say is soo true and always manages to cheer me up x

12-05-2012, 05:19 PM
Yes, absolutely - thoughts can cause them.

But realize the definition of "thought", particularly in the context of anxiety:-

The trouble with anxious folk is that their thoughts are often messy... tumbling around / doing hoops over themselves / racing.

This tumbling mass of thoughts is often hard or impossible for our brains to deal with.
We can't process them properly, so what happens is we momentarily lose focus and control.

When this occurs, our nerves are primed for action and all kinda danger messages are emitted, including the code to start fight or flight.

Larger nerves, such as the Vagus (which controls heart rate, breathing, stomach... to name a few) will now be working to overtime.

In actual fact, the Vagus nerve serves to SLOW the heart down, whereas other nerves are used to SPEED it up.
The mixed signals travelling through these various nerves will cause an imbalance in the heart rate, and hey presto... you get a skipped beat.

Take a look at his picture to see what controls what:


12-05-2012, 05:28 PM
I think thats what triggers most of my symptoms off, the thoughts! I never really get MUCH pain throughout my body, its more back aches, left arm aches, i rarely get chest pains, i get pressure but chest pains are quite rare with me. But this evening ive been having stabbing chest pains quite mild that feel like a needle stabbing or a pin. But I try to control myself and tell myself that its only anxiety, I was getting them near my breast so I just thought they where something to do with my period but their still here very mild!
Thank you so much for your explanation its made so much sense to me, and just this little talk has calmed me down so much. I know that youve been through all this once before so you should know how it feels to be in this situation! especially at my age, it frightens the crap out of me just think im going to die constantly!

12-05-2012, 06:21 PM
That is a typical night for me when my brain will not shut down properly. It is always doing too much, and you would think when it is time to go to sleep, it would relax? Wrong! All it takes is one thought, then one pain, palp, or jolt, and my next few days, I will be thinking about bedtime, like I think about going to the doctor! When I have these episodes, I get right out of bed, walk around the house, watch tv, draw, build my kids legos, whatever it takes to be busy, like I am during the day. DO NOT try and just lay there, and keep closing your eyes, and fighting it. That will NOT work! The second you close your eyes, or fall back to sleep, without getting your mind somewhere else, you can bet it will be back! I have also been on this forum many times at 2 am, reading what everyone else is going through. It tells my brain it is fooling me, and I am not going to buy it anymore!

12-05-2012, 07:04 PM
I agree with everything everyone has said. Nicole i know exactly how you feel. My anxiety is worst at night and I wake with panic attacks. I also agree that being alone when these happen is so scary. I feel like I am going to die. I think about calling an ambulance , going to the e.r. Running to the neighbors house, jumping in my car and driving to my friends house . I hate it. But then I have to tell myself it is a panic attack and I am going to be ok and it will go away. I get the stabbing pains too. In time it goes away, but it is such a scary moment.

12-05-2012, 07:28 PM
I get palpations and stabbing pains all the time too. I always contributed them to my thyroid as I had been told I had hypothyroidism and am on synthroid for that. Synthroid certainly helped but they still occur so they are probably anxiety too. If that is the case then I have anxiety for a lot longer than I previously thought. Did a anyone else ever have their thyroid levels checked out?

12-05-2012, 07:46 PM
Yes, I just got blood work done because my anxiety and panic attacks came back super severe out of the blue. My results came back normal. But I agree, thyroid disease has symptoms very similar to anxiety.

12-06-2012, 01:00 AM
I get palpations and stabbing pains all the time too. I always contributed them to my thyroid as I had been told I had hypothyroidism and am on synthroid for that. Synthroid certainly helped but they still occur so they are probably anxiety too. If that is the case then I have anxiety for a lot longer than I previously thought. Did a anyone else ever have their thyroid levels checked out?

Thank you very much for everyone's support.
Yes I have my thyroid checked, ive had all the blood work done!
This morning I just feel really down, I woke up crying and I have this horrible pain and ache in my top left shoulder and in my top left back :( I just feel hopeless today and feel like i'm just going to die :( this is such an awful experience, but we can ALL do it! No matter what :(
Good luck guys have a nice day xx

12-06-2012, 01:01 AM
I get palpations and stabbing pains all the time too. I always contributed them to my thyroid as I had been told I had hypothyroidism and am on synthroid for that. Synthroid certainly helped but they still occur so they are probably anxiety too. If that is the case then I have anxiety for a lot longer than I previously thought. Did a anyone else ever have their thyroid levels checked out?

Thank you very much for everyone's support.
Yes I have my thyroid checked, ive had all the blood work done!
This morning I just feel really down, I woke up crying and I have this horrible pain and ache in my top left shoulder and in my top left back :( I just feel hopeless today and feel like i'm just going to die :( this is such an awful experience, but we can ALL do it! No matter what :(
Good luck guys have a nice day xx

12-06-2012, 01:04 AM

Nicole - please do something for me...

Get a diary and write your symptoms in it, everyday. E.g. your shoulder & backache this morning... write it down.

Do this for two weeks and then list the entire diary on here in two weeks time.


Have a good day

X <-- small kiss on the forehead!

12-06-2012, 01:06 AM
Morning Dazza!
Yes course I will, I will start that right now!
I'm having such a bad day I'm even staying off school!
Hope you have a good day and thanks for your help x

12-06-2012, 01:09 AM
Hmmm... you should go to school, even if you don't feel like it.

At the end of the day you'll feel better for it.

Anxiety wins if you don't!

12-06-2012, 02:06 AM
Blank Message ......

12-06-2012, 02:28 AM
I know I should of went to school to take my mind off it, but when i'm feeling like this I cant even concentrate and feel so unsafe there incase anything happens to me! Im going shopping with my mum later that might take my mind off things.
Its just so impossible to settle and focus on a day like this, I just think i'm going to die believe it or not haha but I am going to try my best to control it and not let it get in the way, im going to get ready and do everything as normal!
Im just full of aches, my back, shoulders, arms, chest! Its like Ive been and done a gym workout, when I tense my back muscles and try to move them they kill!
(Sorry if this has sent twice I sent a similar reply but It didn't show up on the thread so typed one again haha)

12-06-2012, 04:52 AM
Hugs Nicole , I get these aches and thoughts too I tell myself I'm gonna be anxious or have palpitations if I do certain things but I also force myself to do things otherwise I'd be constantly in the house down in the dumps anxiety and its symptoms are terrible but you mustn't let it win x

12-06-2012, 06:12 AM
Hugs Nicole , I get these aches and thoughts too I tell myself I'm gonna be anxious or have palpitations if I do certain things but I also force myself to do things otherwise I'd be constantly in the house down in the dumps anxiety and its symptoms are terrible but you mustn't let it win x

Thank you for your reply!
It scared the life out of me last night, and today I feel like total sh*t! I even stayed off school!
Ive got aches and pains, tiredness dizziness loss of appetite just not myself today :(
Hope your okay
Thank you!