View Full Version : My three headed monster

04-30-2007, 10:14 AM
I was just diagnosed with Generalized Anxiety, Social Anxiety and PTSD. How I have functioned like this for years, I have no idea how. I just noticed that it was really taking a toll on my personal relationships. I finally sought the help of a psychiatrist after seeing therapists for years.
He put me on Klonopin immediately, three times a day. It's gone, the constant rambling in my head, the sweaty palms and the irratibility. I don't feel like a nutcase, at least for now. Tomorrow night is a big test for me because I am going to a show. I've missed this performer four seperate times because of attacks, so it will be exciting. I'm also taking four close friends with me, so I have support.
I hope that this forum will help as well. It's comforting to hear other's stories that are so like mine. How is that we can function in society? It seems that it takes great strenght just to get through a day.
So, thank you to all that read and/or respond. Hopefully, I can be there for you as well someday.

04-30-2007, 11:22 AM
You have to find an inner strength inside of you that you never knew you even had. It's innate in all humans. Most people never have to use it throughout their lives, but as an anxiety sufferer, you have to. It's in there somewhere. I know, I found it, & I used it to conquer my anxiety. you'll get there.

04-30-2007, 03:44 PM
Yea you kind of have to your spiritual strength to over come the fear, Its very close to impossible but you have to force yourself to do things.

I overcome my anxiety when I was 20/21 obviously I still suffered but it was a lot more manageable and I was able to become completely comfortable with a situation quickly but after being bullied at work for 11 months last year I suffered depression which has led to quite a bad episode of anxiety. I just feel really spaced out and tired all the while. But I'm getting there :)

04-30-2007, 03:54 PM
I know the feeling. I had been doing pretty well for a few years and then a series of traumatic events happen within six months (earthquake, riot outside my work, divorce and 9/11). I safely picked things to be in my life after that. It feels like I've lost that control somehow and I am making poor choices. So I've just sort of shut everyone out except family. I don't really have a female best friend that I talk to about everything. I miss that a lot.
So, I'm hoping that my new doc can help me through this. Get me to be more like how I used to be, just a little different. I just wish that I could remember the moment exactly when I became like this.
Maybe I should start writing again?