View Full Version : New here - very nervous

12-05-2012, 07:17 AM
Hi, I'm new here and suffering with severe anxiety, phobias, panic attacks, social anxiety etc.

I'm having a bad time at the moment as I've got an ultrasound appointment on Friday & I'm getting really nervous. I've been nervous since I received the letter but now I'm starting to feel ill with the anticipation :( I'm really worried because my main phobia (if I can call it that) is needing the loo when out and whenever I do go out I get so nervous that I'm always desperate for the toilet! For the ultrasound they want me to drink 1.5L of water & not go to the toilet for an hour! I really don't think I can do it, it's making me so scared, I know it sounds really silly. I don't know whether to cancel it - does anyone know how long you have to wait and how long these scans usually lasts or what to expect? :(

Thank you!

12-05-2012, 08:48 AM
Hello, and welcome! You said you are scheduled for an ultrasound, but you didn't say why exactly. Are you expecting? If so, then congratulations! I've never had an ultrasound, but from what my friends tell me, it can be uncomfortable. Can you speak with your doctor and tell him/her and let them know your fears? In my experience, medical personnel can be very understanding.