View Full Version : So whats the difference

12-04-2012, 09:29 PM
What is the difference been hypoglycemia and anxiety attacks!! My health anxiety is kicking in and I'm getting Nervous about this. Could I possibly have hypo or is it just in my head

12-05-2012, 05:42 AM
Low blood sugar and the pyschological mechanism(fear/worry/conflict/abuse) which leads to the adrenaline release and then the fear(flight or fight response,... anxiety and panic) are 2 different animals. Low blood sugar is pure physiology with no actual psychological component except you are aware of the symptoms(which would make some anxious.... especially anxious folk). Anxiety will cause some movement is your blood sugar but that's not significant as are the symptoms of anxiety. Alankay

12-05-2012, 05:53 AM
What is the difference been hypoglycemia and anxiety attacks!! My health anxiety is kicking in and I'm getting Nervous about this. Could I possibly have hypo or is it just in my head

Only one way to find out for sure... get ya blood sugars tested!