View Full Version : Panic Disorder

12-04-2012, 09:05 PM
My panic attacks were gone for months. Now they're back and when I have them I have nothing to fight them with except klonopins. Feels like I'm losing my mind, or losing control. The attacks are short but the ore and post anxiety is terrible. I'm so afraid of being stuck in panic. I live in WV so most of the treatment I've found is useless.

12-04-2012, 09:37 PM
Have you ever tried seeing a therapist? What worked and what did not?

12-05-2012, 05:34 AM
Examine what's going on in your life to see if you find what's causing the increase in anxiety. The klonopin is a great med as long as you use only when really needed and a doc OK's refills/rx'es and is monitoring you . Also consider a ssri like zoloft with your doc to help decrease anxiety and use less klonopin. Vent here also!!:) Alankay.

12-05-2012, 05:50 AM
My panic attacks were gone for months. Now they're back and when I have them I have nothing to fight them with except klonopins. Feels like I'm losing my mind, or losing control. The attacks are short but the ore and post anxiety is terrible. I'm so afraid of being stuck in panic. I live in WV so most of the treatment I've found is useless.

Actually you're wrong... you DO have something to fight the panic with, and that is knowledge.

You KNOW you've had them in the past and got over it.
You KNOW what they are.
You KNOW they're not gonna hurt you.
You KNOW it's just panic and nothing more.
You KNOW it's just your nerves having a little hissy fit but will calm down again - as soon as you do.
You KNOW you'll be OK.

Awesome beard, by the way.