View Full Version : Caffeine & Anxiety

12-04-2012, 08:56 PM
I understand caffeine has been linked to anxiety issues. Since last friday i was prescribed effexor xr and xanax for panic attacks, around the same time i decided to stop drinking soda. I am a very heavy caffeine drinker, soda, energy drinks, coffee. The past few days have been absolutely horrible. Nausea, dizzyness, headaches, feeling hot or cold. Went to work on monday but couldnt go this morning. I finally grabbed a soda and suddenly felt better. Is there a reason why soda is relieving my symptoms, or was it just a bad decision to go through initial side effects of effexor and withdrawal from caffeine at the same time. I have only been on the meds for about 4 days.

12-04-2012, 09:36 PM
It's caffeine withdrawal. Good for you for taking a proactive stance and trying to reduce the things that can contribute to anxiety. You can drink 1-2 sodas a day for a few days, and then try again. It's really a good idea. Maybe get some headache meds, too?

12-04-2012, 09:42 PM
Thanks! Already feel like it was a great idea to join this forum. I will try to take it slow, prolly not the greatest idea to go cold turkey around this time :D

12-04-2012, 10:35 PM
I have been on these meds before when i was in college and back then caffeine was never really an issue for me. Didn't become an issue until i graduated and became a full time accountant. My workplace is a bit of a mess at the moment too, currently being sued by a former owner so hrs can be long and frustrating. I dont feel like caffeine is really the main cause of my problems i just know they dont help me. I guess i got scared and felt going to the doctor was my best option and he felt putting me back on what i use to take was the best route.

12-04-2012, 10:49 PM
I went cold turkey from Caffiene and I was a HUGE caffiene drinker. about 6 cans of soda a day, went hand in hand with being a hardcore gamer.
Got same symptoms. I just like the taste of soda, so I switched to caffiene free. :]Now I only rarely have caffiene.

But my anxiety has completely disappeared, so I'm guessing going away from it helped?

12-04-2012, 11:58 PM
I have been on these meds before when i was in college and back then caffeine was never really an issue for me. Didn't become an issue until i graduated and became a full time accountant. My workplace is a bit of a mess at the moment too, currently being sued by a former owner so hrs can be long and frustrating. I dont feel like caffeine is really the main cause of my problems i just know they dont help me. I guess i got scared and felt going to the doctor was my best option and he felt putting me back on what i use to take was the best route.

Wow, that sounds like a lot of stress! Being sued cannot be fun. I wish you the best of luck. And good for you for taking care of yourself by seeing your MD.

12-05-2012, 04:58 AM
I'm hopelessly addicted to coffee. My dr has gotten on my case many times about it, says I can only have 1 cup a day. So far so good, but I do cheat and have 2 cups on days when I have work and school.

12-05-2012, 05:01 AM
Yeah it's the changes. Drop all stimulants until you're feeling much better. While caffeine won't "cause" anxiety proper(half the planet would have it then) it can aggravate it as it does for me if I have too much. Alankay.

12-05-2012, 07:02 AM
Caffeine is known to increase energy.

Extra energy is something you really don't need when anxious & panicky.

But NOTE... don't expect to be cured of anxiety just because you give up ya morning coffee.