View Full Version : Shortness of Breath

12-04-2012, 12:04 PM
Today I have had these episodes that last around 5 seconds. It feels like I cannot breath! I find it hard to catch my breath kind of and it feels like I have just done a short form of excersize and I'm breathing really fast.
Can anyone relate as it has only happened today so I'm quite worried.

12-04-2012, 12:46 PM
That sounds like the making of a panic attack. Can you try a relaxation exercise focusing on your breath? It can help calm you down and put you back in control. There's a ton on YouTube, and also some apps. I hope this helps.

12-04-2012, 01:11 PM
Thanks for your reply I have been feeling very anxious all day. I just feel out of breath and I have had a period that i described in the post. Is that just anxiety? I measured my 02 levels and they where 99% x

12-04-2012, 02:53 PM
If your oxygen sat is at 99%, then you are definitely not suffocating. Yes, anxiety really wears you down. Even when it's "under control", you ae still spending a lot of energy not thinking about it. It's like a computer program running in the background. You don't see it, but it's thre and taking energy. That's definitely anxiety working.

12-04-2012, 05:24 PM
You're still here then, Nicky Nocky Noo...!

The shortness of breath sensation comes about from stressed & tense chest & throat muscles, trapped wind (which I know you've had a lot of recently) and is a natural response response to fright.

Anxiety disorder can put us in a constant state of borderline fright - like on the edge, and it takes just a little trigger to cross that line and fire the fright response.

Fright response can also include a momentary face flush (like tingles) and similar in our palms and feet. It can also cause your heart to misfire.
Just as if someone's jumped out in front of you and gone... BOOOO! - same thing.

12-05-2012, 01:07 AM
You're still here then, Nicky Nocky Noo...!

The shortness of breath sensation comes about from stressed & tense chest & throat muscles, trapped wind (which I know you've had a lot of recently) and is a natural response response to fright.

Anxiety disorder can put us in a constant state of borderline fright - like on the edge, and it takes just a little trigger to cross that line and fire the fright response.

Fright response can also include a momentary face flush (like tingles) and similar in our palms and feet. It can also cause your heart to misfire.
Just as if someone's jumped out in front of you and gone... BOOOO! - same thing.

Hi Dazza thanks for your reply!
I was very anxious yesterday, I took my sister to a children's party and I was sat feeling very anxious incase anything happened to me infront of all the parents so I had drastic thoughts ruinning around my head from that! Also, when you say its like someone has jumped out infront of you that's how my breathing was! Its like alomost I had a frightyou know when you breathe fast from a physical shock! It was like that but becayse it was my first sign of this symptom I got really worried!!