View Full Version : anxiety about getting sick... help?

12-03-2012, 11:48 PM
At night is when my anxiety starts acting up besides it acting up during the day as well. I'm terrified of getting sick. So donates I'm scared to go to bed. I have a fear of throwing up and it mostly circles around food. I've had the same fears for 7 years... I don't know what to do anymore. Right now its acting up but I haven't lost control of it so I'm able to sit and study for now... I'm too anxious and scared to eat but I know I need to :( help

12-04-2012, 12:24 AM
I think that you'll find a lot of us have increased symptoms during the night. That is why it's so important to take care of ourselves when we are most able to do so. For example, you are having difficulty eating, so it's really important to do your eating during the day time. Try to eat bland foods, like toast, yogurt, bananas, etc. What I recommend is to learn a progressive relaxation using YouTube or iPhone apps, so that when you are stressing out, you can use that skill to calm down some. I also suggest journaling. You say that you've had the same fear for 7 years. Try writing about that to start. Sometimes if we get our fears down on paper, the brain stops sending so many alert signals. I hope this is helpful.

12-04-2012, 01:11 AM
Thank you! I have journaled and it helps tremendously when I've already lost control. And at night when I'm anxious my boyfriend puts on my relaxation CD my therapist gave me and I fall asleep to that every time. Right now I'm trying to eat even though I am anxious.... as you probably know its not easy. Everyone is getting sick where I live and I'm terrified. I wish there was some way I knew. I wasn't going to sick that I need to calm down and enjoy my day but some days are better than others. I might take a Xanax and hope the best and pray

12-04-2012, 08:54 AM
You're doing great! I'm so glad that you have someone to support you! Keep going!

12-04-2012, 02:51 PM
You have emetophobia, fear of vomit/vomiting. I have it too. i think we need a support group. what are your triggers and worries?

12-04-2012, 02:55 PM
do plenty of breathing exercises. If you cant eat get some pedialite or somethig of that sort. when my emetophobia is acting bad thats what i do. sometimes you cant eat for days and get weak and cant sleep. its a horrible phobia that affects your everyday life. im happy you have your bf to help you. try some meditation it may help some. i should tell my self all of this lol. keep your head up and i know what your going through is horrible, feel free to message me if you are triggered or anything.

12-28-2012, 05:01 PM
I know the hell your going though! Nova vrivus is going round and making everyone sick! I've had a similar thing since I was about 8/9 I'm 16 now, and am super struggling now! Have no clue what is going to happen and am getting a little depressed but don't kow what to do or to even really admitt it to my doctor to get it sorted! But please don't feel alone because I did for ages until about 3 months again I realised what it is called and have started seeing something's. I find normal are actually symptoms of this! Emetophobia is horrid and hard but I guess life is hard... I've got an exam in a couple of days and that is what I find the worst! My actual night mare could make me curl into a ball an never come out! Hate hate hate them! So could do with some help as well? I've been taking kalms tablets 2 times a day and they have been helping so maybe give them a try??