View Full Version : New here.

12-03-2012, 11:31 PM
Hi, don't fully understand how this site works yet, I'm using the mobile version of it at the moment. My question for people dealing with depression and anxiety is... Do you think it actually helps you, when speaking to people with the same issue as you? I'm curious, because I've been struggling back and forth with this idea.

12-04-2012, 12:05 AM
Hi, don't fully understand how this site works yet, I'm using the mobile version of it at the moment. My question for people dealing with depression and anxiety is... Do you think it actually helps you, when speaking to people with the same issue as you? I'm curious, because I've been struggling back and forth with this idea.

The best thing to do is talk to people like us that also have anxiety/depression. You'll find out that most of us in this forum experience the same symptoms.

Knowing that your not alone will help a lot. So speak your mind.

12-04-2012, 12:15 AM
I have dabbled on another site, similar to this one, and everyone on there just wanted to die. Talking to a few of those people on kik actually made me feel more depressed, knowing that I wasn't making them feel any better at all.
Personally, I just finished a two month long CBT program, and in ways, I do feel a bit better. Of course, I worry that it was perhaps merely a diversion, and the terrible feelings of guilt and despair will slowly return over time.
I know it's completely up to me, to use the tools I was given in that time to deal with my issues... But I do somewhat feel that certain things they taught did not pertain to my primary issue at the moment.
I've been dealing with complicated grief for a few years now, and I thought I had it under control, until I realized all I was doing was drinking when I wasn't working, and eventually I just snapped one day. There was probable reasoning as to why I snapped, but I saw it, and took some initiative to work on it.
This is getting to be a really long reply, so I should end it there.

12-04-2012, 01:03 AM
Talking to negative people doesn't do an anxiety sufferer any good whatsoever.

Depression and negative thoughts are a big part of the problem with anxiety - where adding to it can only make it worse.
After speaking to such a person, you'll just be left feeling even crapper than you did to start with - associating this persons suffering and pain with your own and thinking that "maybe" there is no hope.

On forums you're bound to read of people at every stage of anxiety, from the seemingly hopeless to the recovered.
The hopeless you can either try to help or ignore, the recovered you should use as proof that one day you'll also be the same.

12-04-2012, 01:30 AM
I'm brand new to the forum too and also using the app. I'm just coming to terms with my issues. I have one friend who knows exactly where I'm coming from and that comforts me. So I'm hoping that in meeting others, It will bring me further comfort.

It always helps to know you're not alone..I was feeling like a total freak until me and my friend started discussing the issue and found we had similar problems.

12-04-2012, 08:55 AM
I think it's way more common than people think. I love looking at the secrets on PostSecret.com. It really reminds me that everyone has at least 1 secret that would break your heart. I think if we all remembered that, the world would be a much more friendlier place.